"Board and card game depicting the colonization of the Americas circa 1492-1760." The players portray European powers (Spain, Portugal, France, England, and Holland) exploring the American continents. The map is randomly constructed during the course of play. Card play determines what actions a player can take each turn. This free, online rules set...
"Card & Record Keeping Game for 2-4+ players. Each player is a European Imperial Power circa 1500-1750." The players seek to conquer 40 territories spread across five regions: the Caribbean, South America, Central America, North America, and Canada. Rather than relying on a map board, each territory is represented by a card in the Exploration Deck. Players...
Night Soil is a very mature game about sanitation in Tudor London. As the exemplar of cultural progress in Europe, Tudor London (1485-1603) is at the spear’s edge of cultural and technological development. However, as modern plumbing is still generations away, the city is gradually filling up with human waste, making it a terribly fragrant place to live....
Quantum physics tells us ‘the ability of quantum particles to occupy two states seemingly at once could be explained by both states co-existing in different universes’. So when you wave goodbye to your ship in your universe, someone else waves goodbye to their ship in a different parallel universe. But what would happen if these neighboring universes...
A Noble War is an area control game with a unique take on courtly intrigue for 2 - 4 players. As the head of a noble house, you’ll scheme, plot, and battle for dominance as war breaks out between two rival kingdoms. With family members stranded on each side of the conflict, you’ll have to play both sides to end up on top by the end. As the head of your...
This is the second game in the TPS line of the Pocket Battle Games series from LPS, Inc. It covers the 1522 attempt by the Ottoman empire to take the city from the Knights Hospitaler. It is printed on a single postcard-sized piece of cardstock with game map on front and rules on the back. Counters need to be cut from around the edge of the card. Die-cut...
Notre Dame Express is a PnP dice game based on the Notre Dame Boardgame by Stefan Feld. I wanted to give something back to the PnP Express community in here because I have had fun building versions of everyone's great games. My goal for this express version design was to condense set up and playtime while distilling all the things i really liked about...
This hero will be your preferred if you love to modify the battlefield and surprise your enemies with genial inventions. Even the 2 specializations use special equipment like Meccano or Artifacts. The Architect's equipment is a mix of technological inventions just created and antique objects lost in time and recovered from a far past! The Antiquarian can...