Doggerland Miniature Skirmish Game is a fast-play, skirmish-level fantasy miniature system that has been co-written by S.E. Lantry and Andrea Sfiligoi. As with Songs of Blades and Glory, it uses an action-point system that requires no book-keeping. The rules are designed to be simple, fast and fun so that a mini campaign of several games can be played in a...
This is a set of upgrades for Dogs of War that were only available to those that backed the game on Kickstarter. The set included a number of playable dogs of war that come with their own busts and special abilities: - Count Iago, special ability: informer (discard a tactic card to get 2 coins) - Viscount Perceval d’Hiver, special ability: glory (gains 3...
A set of miniature war game rules dealing with battles in Western Europe from 1494 to 1529. Includes rules for moving miniatures, firing weapons, morale and fighting in melee. The goal is to defeat your opponent through superior tactics. There are several army lists provided. The Army Lists are: Early English, Late English, Florentine, Early French, Late...
Szerezd meg a hatalmat Tempest városa felett! A Dominareban a város negyedeinek irányításáért kell küzdenetek, miközben körről körre újabb ügynököket tudtok bevetni, akiknek a különleges képességeit kell jól kihasználnotok a győzelemért. A Dominare a Tempest – sorozat harmadik része ( Courtier , Love letter , Mercante , Dominare ). Megjártuk már a királyi...
Collect love letters written by none other than Don Juan! Getting hold of the wrong letters leads to a broken heart. Getting the right letters ends the heartache and leads to victory. Who ends up winning the heart of Don Juan? Don Juan is based on the principle of “I split, you choose”. Per turn, the active player divides letters in different piles....
“Players take the role of Merchant Princes in control of their own city state. Thru conquest and trade they try to outdo their opponents in the quest for Gold & Glory. Object: Conquer all Cities on the map.” The game is played on a hex map with 25 cities, some landlocked and some on the ocean. The game includes rules for the Black Plague, favor of the...