From the back of the game box: The Army of the Heartland is a strategic-operational simulation of the rebel Army of Tennessee's campaigns during the Civil War. Created by award-winning designer John Prados, and using the same scale and game system as his earlier Campaigns of Robert E. Lee, this game focuses on the critical, but largely ignored actions in...
Army of the Potomac: Campaigns of 1862 and 1864 is the second volume in the Civil War Heritage series and the follow-up game to the innovative and acclaimed Rebel Fury. Army of the Potomac uses the same core rules as Rebel Fury, so players familiar with Rebel Fury will be able to jump right into the action. Each battle in Army of the Potomac is...
From the publisher: Four great siege battles: Acre - Richard the Lionhearted's arrival signals the end of the two year defense by Saracens in the Third Crusade. Tyre - Alexander the Great undertakes the first large-scale amphibious assault in history. Lille - the greatest star fortress in France is taken by the Anglo-Dutch-German Confederation. Sevastopol...
"Ascari" is a company-level wargame based on the stories of loyal solders who fought for Italy in Eritrea, the first Italian colony. The game depicts four battles in which the Italians were the protagonists: the two battles of Agordat against the Dervishes, Amba Alagi, and Coatit against the Ethiopians. A bonus scenario depicting the battle of Metemma...
Ingogo 1881 is a Ascari Scenario and it has to be played with Ascari rules. During the First Boer War, General Colley, commandant of the British troops in Southern Africa, decided to clear his lines of communications from Mount Prospect camp to Newcastle from the Boer threat. He collected a mixed force of 5 companies of the 3/60 Rifles, some artillery and...
The man who would be king is the new Ascari Scenario based on the novel of Rudyard Kipling. It is a two players or also a solitaire game! This battle is portrayed in the John Huston movie of 1975; Dravot, Carnehan and Billy Fish lead the Bashkai tribe against the Er Heb tribe for their very first battle in Kafiristan. The British style fusiliers will win...
Modderfontein 1901 is an Ascari Scenario and it has to be played with Ascari rules. During the Second Boer War, the Commandos tactics in guerrilla managed to continue the war, even if the capital cities of the Boer Republic had fallen. Commandos led by intrepid and young leaders started to harass the British lines of reinforcements and the Empire responded...
SHILOH: First day is a ASCARI Scenario depicting the attack led by Gen Johnston on April 6th 1862 at 11am in the left flank of the US Army. The attack towards the Bell crossroads was successful and the Confederates continued to push back the US Army. Just the sudden death of the CS Commander stopped the advance. Scenario rules, a colorful A3 map and nice...
Asia Crossroads: The Great Game, simulates the conflict between the British and Russian Empires in the 19th century for control of Central Asia, especially Afghanistan. Central Asia was the frontier between the expanding Russian Empire in Asia and the British Empire in India. Central Asia also controlled vital trade routes. At stake was the fate of all of...
BACKGROUND: ASSEGAIS AND BAYONETS is semi-historical simulation of the Zulu War of 1879. The Game begins shortly after the Great Britain determined that the Zulu Leader, Cetswayo, is in violation for not disbanding his Impis (Battalions). Natal is feeling threatened and has organized a Military Force to cross into Zululand and force Cetswayo to disband his...
At Any Cost: Metz 1870 is a game simulating the situation west of the Metz fortress during those few days of August 1870. The game is designed to be a playable, two-player brigade-scale game that allows players to experience the unique tactical warfare matchups that characterized fighting during the Franco-Prussian War. This era, though generally...
The Atlanta Campaign is a strategic-level simulation of the 1864 North Georgia campaign fought between the Union armies of William T. Sherman and the Confederate Army of Tennessee led by Joseph E, Johnston. Abraham Lincoln's best hope for reelection against strong anti-war sentiment in the North depended upon the outcome of this campaign. If the South...