Description from the back of the card case: "The world of spies and thrilling missions. Take control of a spy organization of your own design. Use equipment cards to arm your agents with special powers and send them to exciting cities around the world. Let them battle your opponents and complete their mission to fulfill your goal... There are four...
Some important high-security documents are lost from the Prime Minister's Office. Prime Minister calls hurriedly the Secret Service and asks them to rush and catch the spy the fastest. The spy succeeds to erase his tracks. Will the Secret Agents be able to surround and catch the spy?A hunt from town to town and from country to country, which takes the...
With this promo Eric Lang and Bruno Faidutti, the authors of Secrets, join the ranks of the agents that players get to recruit during the game. Their cards do not feature a set ability and players are encouraged to come up with abilities for these characters (e.g. first player to play an author choose an ability from either side of the agent board, the...
A deduction game based around the idea that spies send messages to each other using personal ads. Players are dealt cards that indicate gender, age, and personality traits (romantic, sporty, good looking), and then take turns reading from personal ads (either actual or with the included samples) and revealing how many of their traits appear in the given...
User summary 世界監獄からの脱出 (Sekai Kangoku karano Dasshutsu) means "Escape From The World Prison" in English. In near future, the entire World was unified and outwardly peaceful, but there still were skirmishes among old nations. Players take a role of an agent from various nations, and their goal is to let out prisoners of their own nation or their ally. In a...
Services Spéciaux - Opération Humint is a competitive Board Game in which 2 to 4 players confront each other during games of roughly 50 minutes. Each player represents one the major Secret Services: CIA (USA), Guoanbu (China), SVR (Russia) or DGSE (France). In order to win, the players needs to gather new intelligence faster than the others. Each player...
There were mixed feelings among the few people in the British government or military high command who heard of Churchill establishing the SOE -- Special Operations Executive HQ. While many approved of the idea of consolidating efforts that had been scattered among at least four small, unfunded departments, not everyone agreed with the whole idea....
ミュルマミウスの虜 (Myurumamiusu no Toriko) (Seven Knights Bewitched) is a co-operative game from Japan. (The Japanese title translates as Prisoner Of Myrmamius). The publisher says: This is a 'logic puzzle / asymmetrical / invitation / hidden / cooperative game' where the knights are divided into two camps, Knights and Witches. The knights line up in order without...
In Shadow Agent, inspired by video games like Splinter Cell and Metal Gear Solid, the players take on the role of shadow agents from a non-specified secret agency, with the goal of infiltrating an enemy location (base or mansion) to accomplish a certain mission. The agents must not be seen or heard by the numerous guards walking around the location, so...
Shadow Wars: The Information Arms Race is an adversarial game of backstabbing, assassination, and asset manipulation set in 1980s, the height the Cold War. The overall goal is simple, be the first to gather three pieces of intelligence and dominate the Shadow War. To accomplish this task, players secretly target other players/nations and roll dice, which...
Shadowrun: A Sprawl Ops egy kompetitív játék, 2–4 játékos számára. Ebben a cyber-punk munkáslehelyezős játékban minden játékos egy Shadow Runners csapatot vezet, amelyet küldetésekre küldhet és fejlesztheti őket új technológiával és eszközökkel. A küldetések megoldása az egyéni kockák kombinálásával történik. A sokoldalú Shadow Runners csapat több kocka...