Brief Synopsis from the rules: The Prisoner Board Game recreates, for 2 to 6 players, the structure and workings of the outwardly beautiful yet deeply sinister "Village" as featured in the celebrated 1960s TV series. Each player assumes the role of a "Prisoner" who, having resigned from a secret government job, has been abducted, awaking to find...
publisher description This tabletop adventure game is based upon the cult 1960's TV series 'The Prisoner'. The series featured 'Number 6' a former secret agent of the British Government during the Cold War, who is never identified by name. After resigning his position he is abducted and held prisoner in a small, isolated eccentric sea-side resort known...
In Project ALPACA, players will take on the role of a psychically gifted candidate for a secret government project. The clandestine Project for the Assessment of Latent Psychic Ability Control and Awareness (ALPACA) is seeking talented operatives. Players will compete head to head against another candidate to see who will move on to become a full-fledged...
Game 1 of 2 in a series called "Spy Training Games" and issued in 1973 by House of Games Corporation Limited (Bramalea, Ontario, Canada) Game 1 is "Project CIA: The Secret Formula". Game 2 is "Project KGB: The double agent". The two board games are distinct, different, and have different rules. The two board games can be united together and played...
Super KGB contains both Project CIA: The Secret Formula and Project KGB: The Double Agent. Called "Spy Training Games", they were originally issued in 1973 by House of Games Corporation Limited (Bramalea, Ontario, Canada). The two board games are distinct, different, and have different rules. The two board games can be united together and played following...
Don't look now, but you're being watched! They know you've found Project KGB, the secret undercover spy training camp! Game 2 of 2 in a series called "Spy Training Games" and issued in 1973 by House of Games Corporation Limited (Bramalea, Ontario, Canada) Game 1 is "Project CIA: The Secret Formula". Game 2 is "Project KGB: The Double Agent". In Game 2...
You take the reins of a team of American investigative journalists during the early stages of the turbulent decade of the 1970s. The Vietnam War, the Pentagon Papers, the Watergate Case... You will work to maintain the prestige and sales of the newspaper while dedicating the necessary resources to complete the investigation of the big story. The one that...
From the website: Pulp Alley captures the fast-paced excitement of classic cliffhanger serials and pulp magazines to more modern action/adventure stories. Designed primarily as a multi-player miniatures game, each Pulp Alley scenario is jammed full of villains, unexpected perils, and plenty of two-fisted action. Pulp Alley’s unique and innovative rules...
Pulp Alley is jam-packed with all the rules needed to bring two-fisted heroes, dastardly villains, and thrilling pulp adventures to your gaming tabletop. PLAY SOLO, CO-OP, or VERSUS! Fast-play rules capture the thrilling pace of the pulps and cliffhanger serials! Create your own characters - quick and easy. Players never need to consult charts during a...
This is the second set of Punch Cards released by Cheapass. Punch Cards are just what they sound like; cards with holes punched in them. On the front of each of this particular set of cards is art from "James Ernest's Totally Renamed Spy Game" (illustrated by Cheyenne Wright) and on the back are lots of numbers. Riddling the cards themselves are the...