This expansion adds a new Corporation to fight against and a powerful CEO. Ebbwall is one of the key corporations responsible for bot subjugation. With their premiere training facilities, this private defense contractor ships highly-trained guards to other corporations around the world. This expansion adds 3 new neoprene rooms, 1 thread card, 8 mission...
It is the Sengoku period, an era of great unrest within the gravely compromised empire of feudal Japan. Your emperor is nothing but a figurehead while the shogun holds the true power. There are many men who desire to hold the title of shogun and then there is you... Bushido Breaker is a hidden movement card game of deduction & calculated risks, themed as...
From the box cover: "Cadbury's Milk Tray MAN IN BLACK Game - an exciting and sophisticated game of skill, nerve and strategy for 2-4 players. Players become the mysterious 'Man In Black' and: - encounter landslides, avalanches and floods! - block your opponents and deliver the box of Milk Tray - make incredible get-aways by car or helicopter" The game was...
Shipwrecked with strangers in the middle of the ocean, with scarce resources and even scarcer trust in each other. As tension rises and starvation sets in, your companions may be more inclined to throw you overboard to make rations last longer. All while mother nature is doing her best to ensure that no one is returning home. Calenture is a social...
Waddington's Captain Scarlet Game - The fight with the Mysterons. Based on Gerry Anderson's TV series "Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons". Licensed by Century 21 Merchandising Ltd. Important people in Europe, as in the rest of the world, are under the constant threat of the Mysterons. A Conference has been called - to take place on the southern border of...
Four notorious prisoners may have escapes from London's Pentonville Prison. A selection of highly-skilled MI6 agents have been tasked with getting them back behind bars... In Captivade, each player plays as both an escapee and an agent simultaneously. As an escapee, the objective is to avoid being caught for the duration of he game. As an agent, the...
Card assassins is not your average card game. It is played at all times behind the scenes. It is the perfect game for group trips, competitive roommates, back stabbing co-workers or courageous families. How the game works Assassinate assigned players by getting them to say their “kill word” during a normal conversation. Acquire their target and kill word...
From the box: Kelly, Sabrina, and Kris make up the team of Charlie's Angels. Charlie's phone calls give this beautiful squad of crime busters the information needed to capture the target villain. They work as a team, each using her special talents to apprehend the culprit. Each player controls three agents and attempts to trap the villain using their team...
This is a distant relative of Battleship. Each player deploys four agents over a world map. Then, using probes you try to deduce the position of the enemy agents before he deduces the positions of yours. Basically, when you probe a grid location, the opponent announces how many of his agents can be reached in a straight line (including diagonals) from the...