Set in the waters around South America, Operation Shadow Hunter pits two bitter enemies against each other: the Empire of the Blazing Sun and the Federated States of America. In territory that once belonged to the Republic of Argentina, the forces of the Empire of the Blazing Sun are once again on the move. Their plan is complex, their overall objective...
Eagle's Prey: Villa Rides! Revolution and Conquest 1910-1923 is a complete and comprehensive rules system for the Age of Villa and the Mexican Revolution! Designed to fight the larger scale battles and engagements of the Mexican Revolution, Villa Rides allows players to refight the struggle for power and control of Northern Mexico! Allows for a 20,000 man...
Silk scarves. Leather helmets. The sound of the wind in the wires as you cruise over No Man's Land searching for enemy aircraft. Suddenly you see one, and put your plane into a dive from out of the sun... Eagles in the Sky is a 2-player card-based game on plane to plane warfare during the last year and a half of the First World War. Players each command a...
Earthenwar is a two-player combat strategy game. You have been recruited to control a huge Golem on a battlefield of the Great War. Using your magic Control Grid, you will remotely determine the actions of your Golem from far behind the Front Lines, attempting to destroy the enemy before they can destroy you. You change and affect your Golem's movement and...
These rules are written to re-enact the company level actions fought in East Africa during 1914-1918. the rules are written for 20mm figures. but 1/300 blocks could be used and measurements made in centimetres rather than inches. Here is your chance to defeat Lettow-Vorbeck's askaris in less than 4 years, land successfully at Tanga, defend the Uganda...
The Game East Prussian Carnage, is a boardgame covering the battle of Tannenberg and the Masurian Lakes in August 1914 between Germany and Russia. The Scene: The battle for Tannenberg and the Masurian lakes is one of the most famous battles in history. Even though the battle was insignificant in numbers of forces engaged compared to other battles fought...
Who fears to speak of Easter Week? Who dares its fate deplore? The red gold flame of Eire's name, Confronts the world once more. Easter Week is an area/impulse game depicting the Easter Rising in 1916 and the Battle of Dublin in 1922. The Irish Republican Army is controlled by the IRA Player and the British Army and Irish Free State Army by the Government...
EINDEKKER simulates the era of the "Fokker scourge" on the western front in 1915 in the First World War. You are in the role of a famous German fighter pilot such as Max Immelmann or Oswald Boelcke, flying a Fokker EI in France. Play takes place over a one week period, the aim being for you to dominate the skies over the battlefield while on combat patrol...
Élan is a set of Brigade to Divisional level scenario driven rules for the European theatre during The Great War. Designed as a two-player game using 6mm figures, with little adjustment it can be played solo, or in any scale from 2mm to 20mm. The basic mechanism used in this game - élan, distills a number of factors - morale, training, leadership, fatigue...
Emden vs. Sydney is a tactical naval wargame for two players, based on a modified version of the classic rules first developed by Fletcher Pratt in the 1930s. The game simulates the Battle of Cocos that took place on November 9, 1914, between the German cruiser Emden and the Australian cruiser Sydney in the South Indian Ocean. Emden vs. Sydney is a simple...
As the guns of August were heard firing across Europe, the German kaiserliche marine began commerce raiding in the Pacific, targeting British shipping and colonial holdings to reduce their economic ability to fight on the continent. The Empire of Japan, eager to emerge as a global power and seeing an opportunity to expand at the expense of Germany's Asian...
Empires of Iron is a game of diplomacy, war and intrigue set during the period of roughly 1871-1918. Two to eight players compete to create alliances, develop the latest weapons, and become master of Europe. There are multiple paths to victory - military, economic, diplomatic, or any combination thereof... which will you pursue? But beware, enemies can...