Queen Games Alhambra bigbox , angol nyelvű társasjáték. A stratégiai társasjátékok szerelmese vagy? Az Alhambra Bigbox angol nyelvű társasjátékot is imádni fogod! Már épül csodálatos kastélyod, és Neked kell megmondanod, hogy milyen és mekkora legyen, azonban a munkásaidnak pontos útmutatást és építőelemeket is kell biztosítanod. Minden játékos egy kút...
Alhambra: Big Box társasjáték 25990 Ft-tól! - 1 felhasználó árulja ezt a játékot!
Like the building it is named after, Alhambra, the international award winning game from Dirk Henn, has become a landmark in the board game world, having been translated into more than 25 languages, and winning countless awards, including the coveted "Spiel des Jahres" in 2003. In its 15 years of existence The Alhambra family has grown significantly; six...
A kiegészítő négy különböző modult tartalmaz, ezek tetszés szerint kombinálhatóak az alapjátékkal, illetve az összes kiegészítő moduljaival. Vándorkereskedők: Ezen modul használatával lakók költöztethetők az épületekbe. Az emberek a vándorkereskedőkkel vándorolnak a még üres területeken (kezdő lapka valamelyik oldalán). Amikor épülethez jutunk akkor a...
Description from www.spieltest.at: The fourth Alhambra expansion stays true to the modular nature of the previous ones. So buying this expansion actually gets you four small expansions that can be combined with each other (as well as with those from previous expansions). The new modules taken separately: The Treasure Chamber Filled to the brim with...
This is the 5th expansion for the base-game Alhambra. It was presented at the Essen gamefair Spiel '08. As in all the other expansions, this one contains 4 new modules. They are as follows: -Die Karawanserei (the Caravan). Cards and markers. These special cards can be taken. Every turn you may increase the indicated amount of money on the card and use it...
Der Palast von Alhambra: Die Falkner, the sixth extension for the Alhambra, mirrors earlier boxed expansions for the game by including four separate expansion modules, each of which can be used individually or combined with any mix of modules from this or other expansions. The four modules included in this expansion are: The Falconers: Land falcon tiles on...
These were stretch goals for Alhambra: Designers' Expansions Box. All backers received if they backed either the first or second Kickstarter for it. Bathhouses by Klaus-Jürgen Wrede: When players acquire a bathhouse from the market, they can build it in any orientation in their Alhambra. At the end of the game, players are awarded points if they build the...
It's time to decorate! With the Fresh Color expansion players decorate their buildings with ornaments, mosaics and fresh colors to gain even more victory points for their buildings during scoring. At the start of the game each player gets a decoration board that holds the decorations for each of the 6 building types. Additionally a common task board is...
The expansion will feature hexagonal tiles, with six bonuses, one on each corner of the hexagon. Bonuses will include victory points, the ability to switch buildings in the market, or tokens that can be tie breakers for certain building types. One of these bonus tiles will be placed next to an Arcade (the brown buildings) whenever one is added to the...
These two expansions were available as part of the second Kickstarter for Alhambra: Designers' Expansions Box Orchard by Emanuele Ornella: Each player gets a player board at the start of the game that shows different combinations of fruits to collect during the game. Depending on where the fruits are placed and if a segment is completely filled by the end...
Alhambra Zoo / Buildings of Power / Travelling Craftsmen were offered together under the "Get to Know" pledge for Alhambra: Designers' Expansions Box. Alhambra Zoo: The animals are loose in the Alhambra! Your goal is to bring them to the chambers. But each kind of animal only brings victory points if they are in a chamber with just their kind. Each time a...