The Wargamer's Handbook was intended as a set of introductory miniatures (20mm to 25mm) rules for those just starting wargaming. It employed a standardized system that could be used (with minor variations) across different periods of history. The latter included ancient warfare, medieval/renaissance, the American Revolution, Napoleonics, the American Civil...
A game of the American Revolutionary War, 1775-1783. One player controls the American forces and the other player controls the British forces. The object of the game is to control the most territories at the end of the game, or to destroy all opposing units. Components include an area movement map of the thirteen American colonies (and a portion of...
From the box description... “I woke last night shaking from a frightful dream. We have come to the edge of the ocean and there is no advancing or retreating. My own sons may sink in the torrent. I wish I pray that there be some decent honorable way to put an end to this conflict. Tone once again reconciled old friends. Out cause is righteous and I have no...
Using similar systems to those used in Civil War Battles, Washington's Army is Peter Pig's AWI ruleset covering warfare in the late 18th century. Figure scale is recommended at 15mm, and a supporting range of figures is available from the publisher. Publisher Blurb:: Players each bring a points based army to the game. The game generates the scenario by way...
Washington's Crossing: A Game of the Winter Campaign of 1776-1777, that resulted in the twin-victories of Trenton and Princeton and turned the fortunes of the war The first in a series of linkable operational games on the American Revolution. Leaders are activated using activation points. Each leader has a cost to activate based on his rank. Washington's...
This game was the first in what has become a very popular trend for wargaming. The typically hex-based maps were simplified into an abstract system of connected spaces, which are used for army movement and to keep track of who controls the provinces politically. The armies themselves are greatly simplified, but the general in charge of the army gains much...
"The Whites of their Eyes" is an introductory miniatures guidebook for the American Revolution using the system published in "Habitants and Highlanders" and "Rockets Red Glare". The author includes an overview of the war, strategy and tactics, and a uniform guide. Most of the book is a series of scenarios from the American Revolution (both skirmishes and...