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Carbomorphozis társasjáték

társasjáték, 2019

A Carbomorphozis egy könnyen tanulható társasjáték, 2 játékos részére, az átlagos játékidő rövid, csak 20 - 30 perc. A társast, a könnyebb tanulhatósága ellenére, csak 12 éves kortól ajánljuk kipróbálni. A játékmenet erősen épít a terület-impulzus és a rács mozgás mechanizmusokra.

What can you see at first? There are two coal armies lined up against each other. In the terrain where they move, every square obligates the characters to transform. When a...

A Carbomorphozis egy könnyen tanulható társasjáték, 2 játékos részére, az átlagos játékidő rövid, csak 20 - 30 perc. A társast, a könnyebb tanulhatósága ellenére, csak 12 éves kortól ajánljuk kipróbálni. A játékmenet erősen épít a terület-impulzus és a rács mozgás mechanizmusokra.

Angol leírás

What can you see at first?

There are two coal armies lined up against each other. In the terrain where they move, every square obligates the characters to transform. When a character moves to a square of transformation, it has to change, but not only it’s appearance will be different, but it’s ability to move and attack will be also changed.

3 characters, 2 teams, 1 battle

If I want to look for a similar game to Carbomorphozis, the first game that comes to my mind is the great, classic chess. Checkered board with 64 squares, 8 puppets, step and punch actions. However, while chess pieces are diverse with many features, we only have to count on 3 characters. And as long as everything is given in chess and victory depends solely on tactics, in Carbomorphozis the characters change from one step to another and this influences the outcome of the party and the applied military plan.

This board game is educational as well, because it combines three types of carbon in our minds for a lifetime. Thanks to the variety of the board, there are 256 different playing fields.

You can start the game on any side, giving you 1024 different play options, so the chance of repeating play is 1 to 1000, it means you won't get bored during the replays.

The playing time is relatively short, 20-30 minutes, so it is suitable for you if you have just little freetime. It doesn't need too much preparation, just take it out from the box and the game can begin. Another advantage is that it does not take place on too much space, so you can play it even while traveling by train.

I walk, I walk ... but what will happen to me when I stop?

The main driver of the game is transformation. Since it is a transformation of coal, the name of the game is the result of the fusion of the Latin name of carbon (carbon) and the Latin word for transformation (metamorphosis).

The pictograms on the game board symbolize a transformation. The given square determines what character should step on it in order that the carbomorphosis can occur. It also specifies the new material structure.

Coal here or there… or is it already graphite?

There are three actions that you can take in the game: move, punch and transform. The first one and the second one are the player's decision, and the third one is the result of that decision. It is determined by the player’s move with the selected character or the square where the character is moved after the punch.

The purpose of the game is to beat all of your opponent's characters on the playing field. The more valuable our puppets are, the easier the task is for us and the harder for the opponent.

The game is as loose as the connection between the layers of graphite

What do we obtain with this game? The game primarily focuses on concentration and foresight, and therefore develops tactical skill. Because the rule is simple and easy to understand, the character's stepping and punching features are depicted on the characters themselves, and the transformations on the game board, so there is no need to learn the rules separately. The game can be started instantaneously and does not require lengthy learning.

As the game progresses, circumstances change so this board game is suitable for the more impatient children, too ; because it inspires them to make flexible decisions and modify easily the previously planned steps.

If the players are children, the game can match to their forward thinking, which is only 1-2 steps. But nevertheless, it may require 4-5 step forward thinking from adult players, so the same game can be fun for all ages.

—description from the designer

2 - 2 játékos
20 - 30 perc
12+ évestől
Kommentek (1)
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Egy üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
  • 4 750 Ft-tól
  • 1 ajánlat

Kategória: Stratégia
Mechanizmus: Terület-impulzus, Rács mozgás


A társasjátékhoz MAGYAR bemutató videó is tartozik! Nézd meg őket és nem lesz gond a szabályokkal!


Ez a társasjáték kapható a boltokban! Nézd meg partnereink ajánlatát, vagy próbáld ki az árkalkulátort!



Már ketten is játszható! Remek kikapcsolódás lehet pároknak is!

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Új hozzáadása


Egyszerre több játékot vásárolnál? Próbáld ki az Árkalkulátort és kiszámoljuk neked a legoptimálisabb feltételeket, hogy a legjobb árat kapd meg!

Carbomorphozis társasjáték videók (4)

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Részletes adatok


  • Játékidő:  20 - 30 perc
  • Játékosok:  2
  • Ajánlott életkor:  12+
  • Komplexitás:  Egyszerű
  • Kiadók:  (Self-Published)
  • Elérhető nyelvek:  magyar


  • Hungarian edition
    • Kiadás éve: 2019
    • Nyelv: magyar
    • Méretek: 18 cm x 21 cm x 4 cm

Hasonló játékok

Az alábbi játékok a hasonlítanak leginkább a(z) Carbomorphozis társasjátékhoz