Párizs átalakulásának csúcskorát éli, hogy a világ leggyönyörűbb városai közé emelkedjen! A Párizs egy tipikus közepesen nehéz Kramer és Kiesling, euró típusú játék, egyszerű...
5 felhasználó árulja, 11 000 Ft-tól
The cover of FYFE shows a dreamy South Seas location with a blue sea, beach, and palm trees — but what will you find as you dig in the sand, and can you arrange your discoveries...
3 felhasználó árulja, 5 500 Ft-tól
Amun-Re: The Card Game is a card-based version of Amun-Re, and the auction at the heart of that game is still present in this design, with the results of those auctions driving...
2 felhasználó árulja, 4 000 Ft-tól
Demeter is a standalone flip-and-write game that features the same graphic style and is set in the same universe as the publisher's earlier game Ganymede. You are a scientist and...
1 felhasználó árulja, 6 700 Ft-tól
In Temple Rush, you compete in the annual contest to rebuild the ancient temples of a lost kingdom — with classic interlocking bricks as your building stones. As a temple...
1 felhasználó árulja, 7 800 Ft-tól
Varuna is a standalone flip-and-write game that features the same graphic style and is set in the same universe as the publisher's earlier games Ganymede and Demeter. As a...
Patchwork Doodle is a roll-and-write version of Patchwork, with each player having their own 9x9 grid to fill in over the course of the game. Each player sets up by drawing a...
3 felhasználó árulja, 3 800 Ft-tól