Ez a játék a Zooloretto kiegészítője.
A Zooloretto: Kiwi egy könnyen tanulható kiegészítő a Zooloretto társasjátékhoz, 2 - 5 játékos részére, az átlagos játékidő rövidebb, csak 45 perc. Az alapjátékot az Év Játékának választották 2007-ben (Spiel des Jahres), illetve ebben az évben több, összesen 2 másik elismerést is kapott. A társast, a könnyebb tanulhatósága miatt, akár már 8 éves kortól...
Kiegészítő, Állat
Lapka-elhelyezés, Kollekció gyűjtés
Ez a játék egy kiegészítő. Ez ilyen játékok az eredeti játékhoz, annak élményéhez, mechanizmusához, készletéhez, adnak plusz elemeket.
Már ketten is játszható! Remek kikapcsolódás lehet pároknak is!
Jelenleg egyik üzletben sem kapható a játék! Állíts be egy árufigyelést, hogy értesülj, amikor újra kapható lesz a boltokban!
This expansion was sent to people who entered an Abacus contest in May 2007. It is a postcard that contains three new development boards, rules, and instructions for cutting apart the pieces. The boards contain these animals: panda, chimpanzee, and camel. These 3 development boards are laid out in the center of the game. Each board can hold 2 tiles of the...
An expansion for Zooloretto, given for free by Abacus at Spiel 2007 in Essen. This expansion consists of 1 tile with a polar bear. Use the normal rules for Zooloretto, except for one rule: the first player to fill his 6-space enclosure takes the polar bear enclosure from the middle of the table. The owner of the polar bear enclosure only loses half the...
Szeretnél egy jegesmedvét és egy fókát otthonra? Itt a lehetőséged, hogy állatkertedbe az északi vízi világ legérdekesebb tagjait is begyűjtsed. De óvatosan ám, mert a túl sok állat nem fér el egymás mellett és ez tönkreteheti az állatkertedet. Az Aquaretto a nagy sikerű Zooloretto kiegészítője, mely a kiegészítőkhöz képest szokatlan módon önmagában is...
Aquaretto társasjáték 6000 Ft-tól! - 2 felhasználó árulja ezt a játékot!
Normal Zooloretto rules enhanced with mission cards. At the beginning of the game, every player gets one of the five cards coming with this expansion. Each card shows three animal types. This card has to be kept secret. At the end of the game, the player gets (beginning from the top) + 3 points for every full enclosure with this animal + 2 points for every...
The zoo grows and prospers: new animals are added regularly and the animals provide offspring from time to time. But what if space becomes limited in the zoo? Those who know other zoo managers find it useful to send some of their animals to other zoos. Of course, the new zoos like the additions and reward those who sent them. Two extra trucks are added for...
Zooloretto XXL társasjáték Kiegészítő 3990 Ft-tól! - 1 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
An expansion for Zooloretto, given for free by Abacus at Spiel 2008 in Essen. This expansion consists of 1 tile with a gorilla. Use the normal rules for Zooloretto, except for one rule: the first player to fill his 6-space enclosure, takes the gorilla enclosure from the middle of the table. The owner of the gorilla enclosure may once during the game place...
The Savings Book is part of the Zooloretto-News No. 1. With this little addtition a player can get additional money during the game. It is also part of the Rio Grande Games Exp. Pack #2 with several mini expansions. Expands: Zooloretto Also available as part of the Zooloretto: Goodie-Box. Home Page & Newsletter: www.zooloretto.com (German, english, dutch...
A 2008-as Év játéka, a Zooloretto társasjáték kiegészítőjében az állatkertünk még inkább látogató-csalogatóvá válik: körülötte kiépítünk egy afféle dzsungelösvényt, ahol a közönség egzotikus állatokkal találkozhat. Mivel így sokkal többen érkeznek az állatkertünkbe, a standok is duplán hoznak a konyhára. Persze a többiek állatkertjei is megpróbálják...
Zooloretto Exotic társasjáték Kiegészítő 3990 Ft-tól! - 1 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
This half official expansion was the Christmas card of the designer. The reindeer - won by filling the 6-space enclosure - brings bonus points in the end for free spaces in enclosures. Each free space in the 4 enclosures of the basic Zooloretto zoo of the owner of the reindeer enclosure counts 1 bonus point for him Only allowed to be played on Christmas....
A special post card containing an exclusive expansion tile like the Polar Bear only for the Strategicon convention series where Michael Schacht was the Guest of Honor for Orccon 2009. Please use the original rules with the following exceptions: the first player who fills his 6-space enclosure takes the enclosure as a bonus* and places it below his zoo...
Rio Grande Games calls its second collected Zooloretto expansion set (SKU 382) Zooloretto: Gorilla after its primary component. Contains five mini-expansions originally released separately: for Zooloretto Gorilla Job Boards The Savings Book for Aquaretto Three Coworker Tiles The Trains Home Page & Newsletter: www.zooloretto.com (German, english, dutch...
A special expansion tile from the Spiel 2009 Essen convention. The first player to fill up his 6-space enclosure gets Grizzly. The player can once per game discard one tile for 1 coin, or discard all tiles of one type for 2 coins. The player puts the coin(s) on the Grizzly to indicate that the ability has been used. Expands: Zooloretto Home Page &...
Zooloretto: Christmas Tree társasjáték Kiegészítő 2500 Ft-tól! - 1 felhasználó árulja ezt a játékot!
A special expansion tile available at LeiriaCon 2010 exclusive of Spiel Portugal and later re-released at Spiel 2013 in Essen The first player to fill his 6 spaces enclosure gets the lynx tile and puts it next to his barn. The players keep the Lynx until the end of the game. At the end of the game, after the last truck is chosen and before the scoring...
A Print, Cut, and Paste expansion that includes Five Extra Enclosures for your Zooloretto game. They include the Kangaroo, Monkey, Panda, Camel, and Leopard. Each of these is a purchasable enclosure, just like the base enclosures you have on your main board. They cost two coins each, purchasable as a money action, and function as a standard enclosure in...
A Zooloretto játék kiegészítője. A jó segédmunkások, a bőkezű adományok könnyebbé teszik az állatkertigazgató életét. Ha az adományokat jól használja fel, újabb állatokra és árusító bódékra tehet szert, ami még vonzóbbá teszi az állatkertet a látogatók számára.Angol:From the box: Good co-workers and charitable donations make life easier for the zoo director. If he uses the donations skillfully, he will acquire additional animals and vending...
Zooloretto Boss társasjáték Kiegészítő 3990 Ft-tól! - 1 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
Zooloretto: The Chameleon – first released as part of Zooloretto News No. 3 in 2010, then later available as a promotional item at Spiel 2012 – is a mini-expansion for Zooloretto Exotic, which is itself an expansion for Zooloretto. Zooloretto: The Chameleon consists of two chameleon tiles, which are mixed into the stack of animal tiles. The chameleons are...
Expansion for Zooloretto or Aquaretto, given for free by Abacus at Essen 2010. Playing the game: Please use the original rules with the following exceptions: the first player who fills his 6-space enclosure (Zooloretto) or places the sixth tile in one of his basins, takes the enclosure with the Octopus as a bonus* and places it below his zoo board, near...
A post card format expansion for Zooloretto. Glücksschwein (Pig of luck) is won by filling the 6-space enclosure first. At the end of the game, the money of the owner of Glücksschwein is doubled. The player that first won the Glücksschwein keeps it for the rest of the game night's Zooloretto plays. Home Page & Newsletter: www.zooloretto.com (German...
This expansion was the 2010 Christmas postcard from the designer and released again in standard punch tile form as part of the Brettspiel Adventskalender 2016 for day 8. A player wins the Christmas Gift by filling the 6-space enclosure. (Players playing with other postcard expansions must choose which bonus tile to take). Owner must place all their...
A special expansion tile from the Spiel 2011 Essen convention. The first player to fill up his 6-space enclosure gets the Catta enclosure and places 3 coins from the bank on it. If it is the owners turn he can skip this turn but has to pay one coin from the enclosure to the bank. If there is no coin left on the enclosure he cannot skip his turn. If at...
Minden játékos egy állatkert igazgatója, aki állatokkal szeretné feltölteni ketreceit. Minden ketrecbe került állatért egy pont jár. Amikor megteltek a ketrecek, és az igazgatónak mégis el kell helyeznie az állatokat, azokért sajnos mínusz pont jár. A játék nyertese a legtöbb pontot gyűjtő játékos lesz.
Zooloretto: Kockajáték Társasjáték 3000 Ft-tól! - 1 felhasználó és 1 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
Zooloretto: Goodie-Box consists of five mini-expansions for Zooloretto or Aquaretto, with four of the expansions appearing previously in Zooloretto/Aquaretto expansion packs published by Rio Grande Games, but not published in Germany. The expansions are: Zooloretto The Familiarisation Area – The familiarisation area fits around the zoo board. It has space...
Zooloretto: Goodie-Box társasjáték Kiegészítő 1990 Ft-tól! - 1 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
The Familiarisation Area is a small promo for Zooloretto that allows a place for players to place an obtained animal that doesn't fit legally into their zoo. When taking a delivery truck, if there is no legal place for an animal in a player's zoo, he may place the animal into his familiarisation area. The area may only hold one animal. Players may also...
Special printing for "Stadt-Land-Spielt" (German parlour games day) 2013. This expansion to Zooloretto adds a tapir. Use the normal rules for Zooloretto, except for one rule: the first player to fill his 6-space enclosure, takes the tapir enclosure from the middle of the table. Once per game the owner of the tapir enclosure [in addition to his normal...
Zooloretto: Langer Ludwig is a single tile expansion for Zooloretto. It was published (together with a few small expansions for other games) in the 20 Jahre Darmstadt Spielt to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Spielekreis Darmstadt, the Darmstadt boardgame club. Use the normal rules for Zooloretto, except for one rule: the first player to fill his 6-space...
An expansion for Zooloretto, given out by Abacus at Spiel 2014 in Essen. This expansion consists of 1 tile with a kiwi. Use the normal rules for Zooloretto, except for: the first player to fill his 6-space enclosure takes the enclosure with the kiwi as a bonus. If it is the owner's turn he can pay 1 coin to rearrange all tiles on the delivery trucks...
Brettspiel Adventskalender 2015 is pretty much what the name says it is: A board game advent calendar for 2015. It contains 24 small expansions for 24 different games, from 21 different publishers. The game rules are not included, but are posted separately on the publisher's web site, on each day from December 1st to 24th. Catan Scenarios: Santa Claus -...
Contained in Brettspiel Adventskalender 2015 for Day 9. Also a promo for Spiel 2016. The first player who fills his 6-space Enclosure takes the enclosure with the Skunk as a bonus. Once per game, If it is the owners turn he can pay 2 coins to discard all tiles of one animal type from his barn as an additional action before or after his usual action. The...
Description from the publisher: Brettspiel Adventskalender 2016 is pretty much what the name says it is: A board game advent calendar for 2016 that contains 24 small expansions (2 of which are categorized as accessories on BGG: King of Tokyo/King of New York: Kookie (promo character) and Quadropolis: Christmas Tiles) for 24 different games, from different...
Zooloretto Duell - Párbaj társasjáték ár: 5 590Ft. Két állatkert igazgatója vetélkedik - vajon kinek sikerül értékesebb állatkertet építenie? A recept ugyanaz, mint az Év Játéka Zooloretto-ban volt: felváltva egy állat kerül a három kamionra, de mindkét játékos csak egy kamionnal szállít. Egy állatfajból csak bizonyos számút tud befogadni a két kert, de...
Zooloretto Duell: Párbaj társasjáték 3500 Ft-tól! - 2 felhasználó és 2 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
You can bring the rabbits in play by exchanging them with another animal type of your choice. All the rules of the original game apply without any changes. The Rabbits consists of 5 fertile males, 5 fertile females and 5 bunnies, because we all know they breed like rabbits... The rabbits were a promotional item, available on Abacusspiels homepage. They...
A promo expansion for Zooloretto. This promo was given out at the 2017 Ludo-Outaouais con. The promo is only available in French. The expansion consists of one 1 tile with a beaver. Use the normal rules for Zooloretto, except: The first player to fill his 6-space enclosure gets the Beaver's enclosure as a bonus and place it below his zoo near his barn....
An expansion for Zooloretto, given for free by Abacus at Spiel 2018 in Essen. This expansion consists of 1 tile with a Kea. Use the normal rules for Zooloretto, except for one rule: the first player to fill his 6-space enclosure takes the Kea enclosure from the middle of the table. The owner of the Kea enclosure may give away 1 coin to any other player as...
An expansion for Zooloretto, given out by Abacus at Spiel 2018 in Essen. This expansion consists of 1 tile with Hagenbeck Zoo. Use the normal rules for Zooloretto, except for one rule: the first player, who fills his 6-space enclosure, takes the tile with the "Tierpark Hagenbeck" as a bonus from the middle of the table, placing it below his zoo board. It...
An expansion for Zooloretto, given for free by Abacus at Spiel 2019 in Essen. This expansion consists of 1 tile with a Capybara. Use the normal rules for Zooloretto, except for one rule: the first player, who fill his 6-space enclosure takes the Capybara als a bonus. Capybara enclosure from the middle of the table. The owner of the Capybara enclosure to...
Züge XXL 2 is an extension to connect the exit of Zooloretto Exotic with the Aquaretto adventure train. With this, after walking through the zoo, visitors will ride the adventure train through the Aquaretto water park. Needed are: Zooloretto Zooloretto Exotic The Aquaretto adventure train and if necessary Aquaretto —description from the designer...
This is a set of animal tiles and a job card board for 1-6 players. It enables you to use the job cards, if you use the other animals, Aquaretto or even Zooloretto with Aquaretto. At the end of the game you get extra points for a enclosure with an specific animal and zero minus points for one kind of animal in the barn / depot. Es ist ein Set aus...
An expansion for Zooloretto, available for free from the designers homepage at Christmas 2020. This expansion consists of 1 tile with a Rainbow Chameleon. Use the normal rules for Zooloretto, except for one rule: the first player, who fill his 6-space enclosure takes the Rainbow Chameleon as a bonus. At the end of the game, the owner of the Rainbow...
Bonus tile that you can ask & get for free at Spiel '23 in Essen. Special rule for this tile: the first person to have offspring in their zoo takes the Stork from the middle of the table and places it next to their zoo in front of them. As soon as another person has offspring in their zoo, the Stork must be passed on to that person. At the end of the game...
Bonus tile that you can ask & get for free at Spiel '24 in Essen. If you are the first person who has filled their 6-space enclosure, you may take the Sloth from the middle of the table and place it next to your zoo. The Sloth stays with you until the end of the game. You can decide once whether you want to skip your turn instead of performing an action....
Itt a 2007-es Év Játéka Zooloretto kistestvére! Ki lesz a legügyesebb állatkert-igazgató? Pakold meg az állatszállító teherautókat, happold el a vetélytársak elől az egyiket, és töltsd fel a kifutókat! Családi társasjáték, amelyben zsiráf, láma és strucc vár arra, hogy karámba kerüljenek! Ha elvéted, vagy keresztülhúzzák a számításodat, a fölösleges...
Az alábbi játékok a hasonlítanak leginkább a(z) Zooloretto: Kiwi társasjátékhoz