A Turn Coats egy kiváló társasjáték, 2 játékos részére, az átlagos játékidő rövid, csak 25 perc. A társast, 9 éves kortól ajánljuk kipróbálni. A játékmenet erősen épít a lapka-elhelyezés és a rács mozgás mechanizmusokra.
Materials A hexhex5 board A supply of bi-colored stones Definitions Adjacent – meaning orthogonally or diagonally. Setup Set the empty board between the two players and place the...
A hexhex5 board
A supply of bi-colored stones
Adjacent – meaning orthogonally or diagonally.
Set the empty board between the two players and place the bi-colored stones nearby so both players can reach them.
The bi-colored stones are communal.
One player plays black the other player plays white.
Black starts, turns then alternate.
On a player first turn they will place one stone friendly side up onto an empty cell on the board.
Henceforth players on their turn must take one of the following actions, which consist of two steps.
1. (A) Place a stone onto any empty cell friendly side up. (B) Then move another friendly stone already on the board in a straight line to another empty cell, as long as the stone has a clear path orthogonally or diagonally, then end the move by flipping the stone to your opponents color or
2. (A) Place a stone onto any empty cell friendly side up. (B) Then using another friendly stone that is already on the board jump over two friendly adjacent stones and end the jump on an empty cell directly after. Complete the turn by flipping the two friendly stones that where jumped over to your opponents color.
A player wins if he manages to form a straight line of four adjacent pieces in his opponents color or his opponent is unable to take his turn.
Lapka-elhelyezés, Rács mozgás
Már ketten is játszható! Remek kikapcsolódás lehet pároknak is!
Rövid játékidő! Ha csak gyors játékra vágysz a munka után, akkor ez a neked való!
Jelenleg egyik üzletben sem kapható a játék! Állíts be egy árufigyelést, hogy értesülj, amikor újra kapható lesz a boltokban!
Az alábbi játékok a hasonlítanak leginkább a(z) Turn Coats társasjátékhoz