Az Arctic Front egy összetett társasjáték, 2 játékos részére, az átlagos játékidő hosszú, akár 4 óra is lehet. A társast, a bonyolultsága miatt, csak 12 éves kortól ajánljuk kipróbálni. A játékmenet erősen épít a hatszög-rács és a szimuláció mechanizmusokra.
Arctic Front: Battle for Norway: Arctic Front, the third game of the Third World War series, uses the same rules as its predecessors but presents a very different gaming...
Arctic Front: Battle for Norway:
Arctic Front, the third game of the Third World War series, uses the same rules as its predecessors but presents a very different gaming situation.
The Soviet Leningrad Front, with its special airborne, amphibious, and arctic-equipped contingents, assaults Norway, reinforced with a few elite units from the U.S., Britain, Canada, and other NATO nations.
Norway presents a constricted front to offensive operations. Along the Soviet border, the relatively open terrain in conjunction with possible outflanking moves through Finnish Lappland allows a rapid Soviet advance. The rest of the Norwegian Arctic is mountainous and can be a formidable barrier if well defended. The Soviet player must make full use of his airmobile, airlanding, and marine forces to penetrate this region, while guarding against raids from U.S. marines and British commandos.
The complex relations between the Soviet Union and the neutral Scandinavian nations - Finland and Sweden - has its effects in the game. Soviet forces may attempt to pass through the Finnish Arctic, and Finland may allow violation of its neutrality or offer limited or full resistance. Sweden will always defend its territory, but its effort may not be total. Also, Sweden may volunteer an expeditionary force to join NATO in Norway even if Sweden neutrality is not violated. Finally, the Soviet high command may mandate a general offensive in Scandinavia rather than just operations against Norway, providing additional forces from the strategic reserve for combat in Finland and Sweden.
Additional rules allow Arctic Front to be combined and played with The Third World War: Battle for Germany and Southern Front: Race for the Turkish Straits, thus covering all the European war zones of the Third World War. Players can reinforce one front with forces from the others, requiring a host of new decisions on the strategic level. One or two new divisions or air units sent to Norway can turn the tide there for either side, but at what cost to the central or southern front, where every unit is desperately needed?
Game Components:
240 die-cut counters
two 17" x 22" maps
one rules booklet
one briefing/background sheet
one set of game charts
two dice
Third World War series
The Third World War fan - Mushroom Cloud
Háború, Modern hadviselés
Hatszög-rács, Szimuláció
Már ketten is játszható! Remek kikapcsolódás lehet pároknak is!
Hosszú játékidő! Ha egy egész estés/napos kikapcsolódásra vágysz ez a neked való!
A társasjáték témájának fontos része a háború, a különböző csaták és harcok!
Jelenleg egyik üzletben sem kapható a játék! Állíts be egy árufigyelést, hogy értesülj, amikor újra kapható lesz a boltokban!
The Third World War, Designer Signature Edition This edition of The Third World War features many new enhancements and larger counters and is another Classic Reborn! The complete Third World War game series is included which is comprised of the following four games: Third World War (subtitled Battle for Germany) is a game of the struggle for central Europe...
The Third World War: Designer Signature Edition társasjáték 82690 Ft-tól! - 2 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
The Third World War: Battle for Germany: Third World War (subtitled Battle for Germany) is a game of the struggle for central Europe by the forces of NATO and the Warsaw Pact. The divisions and independent regiments and brigades of fifteen nations battle in multi-impulse turns that feature NATO reserve movement and Pact echeloning. Air units represent...
Az alábbi játékok a hasonlítanak leginkább a(z) Arctic Front társasjátékhoz