青い靴とオズの魔術師 (The Blue Slippers and the Wizard of Oz)
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青い靴とオズの魔術師 (The Blue Slippers and the Wizard of Oz) társasjáték

társasjáték, 2023

A 青い靴とオズの魔術師 (The Blue Slippers and the Wizard of Oz) egy nagyszerű társasjáték, 2 - 6 játékos részére, az átlagos játékidő rövid, csak 10 - 20 perc. A társast, 6 éves kortól ajánljuk kipróbálni.

A tornado carries Dorothy and her dog, Toto, off to Oz. Dorothy's house lands on a witch, freeing the little people of that land. A good witch arrives and presents Dorothy with a...

A 青い靴とオズの魔術師 (The Blue Slippers and the Wizard of Oz) egy nagyszerű társasjáték, 2 - 6 játékos részére, az átlagos játékidő rövid, csak 10 - 20 perc. A társast, 6 éves kortól ajánljuk kipróbálni.

Angol leírás

A tornado carries Dorothy and her dog, Toto, off to Oz. Dorothy's house lands on a witch, freeing the little people of that land. A good witch arrives and presents Dorothy with a pair blue sapphire slippers. The good witch directs Dorothy to the Emerald City, where the Wizrd of Oz can help her return home. Join Dorothy as she makes new friends and goes on strange adventures!

青い靴とオズの魔術師 ("The Blue Slippers and the Wizard of Oz") includes 32 cards, 16 black and 16 blue. The cards are numbered, but OR cards offer a choice of numbers. This anthology includes rules for three games, each one being the designer's take on combining other popular games. Certain cards also have special effects that change from game to game.

In Shoes (Old Maid x Werewolf, 2-6 players), a player only keeps 2 cards in their hand. Players take turns drawing from other players' hands in an attempt to form pairs. If a player can't make a pair with the three cards in their hand, they must discard one card to the discard pile. Optional rules include special effects for the cards, including making a player immediately lose if they play or discard the 0 or Oz card.

In Liar (Cheat (BS) x Dobon, 2-5 players), players place a card or cards face-down and declare the number, which must be equal to or higher than the previous card. Players may play a card face-up, but they must draw 2 cards as a penalty. If a player accuses a player of lying and are correct, the previous player must take their cards back and draw a card. If the accuser is wrong, they must draw instead. Optional rules include special effects for different cards, and you may include a rule allowing a player go out if they can add, subtract, multiply, or divide all the number sin their hand to equal the previous declared number.

Quartet (Poker x Color Matching, 2-4 players) is a bluffing game where players place cards in their own tableau. Players hold only two cards in their hand at a time, and the goal is to have four cards in a row with the same color. Players may play cards face-down, but not if they did so on their previous turn. Optional rules add more opportunities to reach the goal and block the other players.

2 - 6 játékos
10 - 20 perc
6+ évestől
Link másolása

Kategória: Kártyajáték, Tervező
Mechanizmus: Kollekció gyűjtés, Vedd el, Ladder Climbing, Deduction, Matching



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青い靴とオズの魔術師 (The Blue Slippers and the Wizard of Oz) társasjáték vásárlása, árak és üzletek

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0 / 2000


Részletes adatok


  • Játékidő:  10 - 20 perc
  • Játékosok:  2 - 6
  • Ajánlott életkor:  6+
  • Tervező:  Y.INAGAKI
  • Illusztrátor:  大志 (Taishi), Y.TAKEUCHI
  • Kiadók:  Giraffe Planning
  • Elérhető nyelvek:  japán


  • Japanese edition
    • Kiadás éve: 2023
    • Nyelv: japán
    • Méretek: 6.5 cm x 9 cm x 1.5 cm
    • Súly: 0.1 kg

Hasonló játékok

Az alábbi játékok a hasonlítanak leginkább a(z) 青い靴とオズの魔術師 (The Blue Slippers and the Wizard of Oz) társasjátékhoz