A State Master egy kiváló társasjáték, 2 - 6 játékos részére, az átlagos játékidő rövid, csak 15 perc. A társas elsősorban gyerekeknek készült, akár már 7 éves kortól is játszható.
Learn key facts about the 50 states in the United States of America playing this fun, easy-to-learn card game! State Master is simple to learn, easy to set up, requires little...
Learn key facts about the 50 states in the United States of America playing this fun, easy-to-learn card game!
State Master is simple to learn, easy to set up, requires little space, can be played in as little as 10 minutes, and keeps all players engaged throughout as everyone plays in every round (i.e., no waiting your turn!).
You and your kids will learn each state's:
Largest City
Year of Statehood
Population Rank
Location on the Map
While flash cards are great for committing facts to short-term memory, they don't engage kids for long. Games provide a good alternative, but in most "educational" games, the learning comes slowly as players must wait their turn to get a question and rarely get the same question twice in the same game.
In State Master, all players participate in every turn, so everyone is learning and testing their knowledge constantly. Player who get the wrong answer take a quick moment to study all six facts on the state card and then try to get the same card the next turn, immediately putting their new knowledge to use.
State Master is fun for all ages and its a game in which younger players can often beat older players as they tend to be better at retaining facts.
2 to 6
Finish the game with the most cards.
50 State Cards
6 Colored Dice
1 Category Die
1 Map Card
Shuffle State Cards.
Place 5 State Cards on the table with the flag side up for each player in the game: 10 cards if there are 2 players, 15 cards if there are 3 players, etc.
Place the Blank Map face up on the table.
Place the Filled Map face down on the table.
Each player chooses a colored die.
Each player rolls his/her die to decide who will be Player 1 for Round 1.
Player 1 puts his/her die on top of one of the State Cards.
Moving clockwise, each player puts his/her die on of a different State Card.
Player 1 then rolls the Category Die.
Each player, starting with Player 1 and moving clockwise, must then say the correct answer for his/her chosen state for the category shown. For example, if the die says "CAPITAL," a player with his/her die on New York would say "Albany."
If a player correctly answers the category question, that player tries to locate his/her state on the Blank Map.
Players who answer correctly and are able to locate their states win their cards. All others replace them face down on the table (but not before studying the card a little so they can get the right answer the next round).
Rounds continue until fewer State Cards remain face down than there are players in the game. The player with the most State Cards at end of the game is the winner.
Kategória: Kártyajáték, Kockajáték, Gyerek játék, Oktatás
Már ketten is játszható! Remek kikapcsolódás lehet pároknak is!
Rövid játékidő! Ha csak gyors játékra vágysz a munka után, akkor ez a neked való!
Elsősorban gyerekek számára készült, de a szülőknek is remek kikapcsolódást nyújthat a közös játék élménye.
Jelenleg egyik üzletben sem kapható a játék! Állíts be egy árufigyelést, hogy értesülj, amikor újra kapható lesz a boltokban!
Az alábbi játékok a hasonlítanak leginkább a(z) State Master társasjátékhoz