Prisoner's Trilemma Game Theory in Action
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Prisoner's Trilemma Game Theory in Action társasjáték

társasjáték, 2023

A Prisoner's Trilemma Game Theory in Action egy kiváló társasjáték, 2 - 6 játékos részére, az átlagos játékidő rövidebb, csak 45 - 60 perc. A társast, 10 éves kortól ajánljuk kipróbálni.

The Prisoner’s Dilemma is the most famous conundrum in Game Theory. Two criminals are caught by the police for a minor crime. They are suspected of a major crime which, if...

A Prisoner's Trilemma Game Theory in Action egy kiváló társasjáték, 2 - 6 játékos részére, az átlagos játékidő rövidebb, csak 45 - 60 perc. A társast, 10 éves kortól ajánljuk kipróbálni.

Angol leírás

The Prisoner’s Dilemma is the most famous conundrum in Game Theory. Two criminals are caught by the police for a minor crime. They are suspected of a major crime which, if convicted, would put them behind bars for a long time indeed. The police separate the two partners in crime and offer them a bargain. If they betray the other prisoner, they will be released. If both stay silent the police will only be able convict them of their minor crime. If they both take the offer and betray each other they will both serve a long sentence. In Prisoner’s Trilemma: Game Theory in Action, players are presented with a variety of moral dilemmas where they have three possible choices to make. Players can choose to cooperate, betray or compromise to make the best of a difficult situation.

OBJECTIVE – The objective of Prisoner’s Trilemma is to work through moral quandaries each with three possible choices presented to the players scoring points based on the outcomes.
GAME PLAY – In each of five rounds, players are presented with a moral trilemma. Players play cards from their hand representing the degree to which they cooperate, betray or compromise in the situation. Payoff cards are revealed in each round which indicates points earned from the decisions the players make.
GAME END AND WINNING – Prisoner’s Trilemma ends after five rounds, when the players considered five trilemmas.
THEME – Game Theory Exploration

—description from the designer

2 - 6 játékos
45 - 60 perc
10+ évestől
Link másolása

Kategória: Stratégia, Alkudozás, Következtető, Tervező
Mechanizmus: Card Play Conflict Resolution, Prisoner's Dilemma, Negotiation, Deduction, Induction


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Prisoner's Trilemma Game Theory in Action társasjáték videók (3)


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Részletes adatok


  • Játékidő:  45 - 60 perc
  • Játékosok:  2 - 6
  • Ajánlott életkor:  10+
  • Tervező:  Benjamin Cheung
  • Illusztrátor:  Benjamin Cheung
  • Kiadók:  (Self-Published)
  • Elérhető nyelvek:  angol


  • English edition
    • Kiadás éve: 2023
    • Nyelv: angol
    • Méretek: 7 cm x 9.5 cm x 1.9 cm
    • Súly: 0.1 kg

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