Az Ordnungswissenschaft egy kiváló társasjáték, 2 - 4 játékos részére.
Ordnungswissenschaft is a physical game in which four players are moving stacked boxes according to rigid instructions. The players have to execute these instructions in the...
Ordnungswissenschaft is a physical game in which four players are moving stacked boxes according to rigid instructions. The players have to execute these instructions in the given order and can only determine when to execute, not what to execute.
5 cubes are stacked in the corners of the space, and the four players stand on the sides of the square playing area, each player between 2 stacks of boxes.
Each player receives 3 sheets of instructions and a green cover sheet. They take each page in turn, following the instructions on the page.
Players win if they have one box on their left at the end of the round.
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Kategória: Akció / Ügyességi, Nyomtasd és Játszd
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