A My little pouch of bones egy kiváló társasjáték, 2 - 4 játékos részére, az átlagos játékidő rövid, csak 15 - 30 perc. A társas elsősorban gyerekeknek készült, akár már 4 éves kortól is játszható. A játékmenet erősen épít a lapka-elhelyezés, a minta felismerés és a deduction mechanizmusokra.
Bold traveler! Colect tiles of bones on your desert board. Complete your character and, sing!. Nothing can stop your song.
My little pouch of bones is a boardgame proyect for children. A familiar game which also you can usein the classroom. It’s created specificaly to chids with the intention that they learn the body scheme singing.
If you already know us, you know that or games have a musical component that it´s not simply a soundtrack or a setting. And if you just find us, you know that we’ re going to make mischief with music.
In this case, we have created a song to remember some body parts.
In some moments, even, we name some parts of the human skeleton or bones.
We hope you like.
The game has:
1 pouch
4 boards of skeleton-character, reversible
44 wilcards of skeleton-character.
20 tokens breath-live
12 wildcards of the desert
We tell you!!
Know or peculiar family, an arab father, a native mather, an European adopted child and an asian cousin who was orphaned.
Chouse a character which you’ll play.
Take the board with your character.
Every player do the same.
Set aside the rest of boards.
Put the tiles of the chosen character in the pouch of bones.
Place the breath-life tokens on the table. It varies according to the number of players.
The first player will be who’s the last one who make a trip.
At firts of your turn take two tiles from the pouch.
Check if one of them has a piece of your character.
If it does, you can place it on your skeleton by the side that fit with the bones. If bouth tiles are from your character you can place them on your skeleton. In case that one of them is from other character you can place it on his skeleton if you have place on yours first, always by the bones side. In case that you took two tiles of other characters ends your turn and discart the tiles on your little pouch with skeleton side up.
When you place a tile on the skeleton of other player put a breath-life token of your character color over the tile. In case that you take a tile of desert you can remove tokens of other players that are over your skeleton.
Any player with a tile of desert can can take a tile of the little pouch of other players. If it’s of his character, he place it on his board for the bones side, if it’s of other player character he can place on the board of that character an a breath-life token of his color.
The game ends when the pouch get empty
Every tile place on your character for you score 2 points.
Every tile place on the skeleton of other player score 1 point.
Wins who has more points.
GAME MODE: sing to your skeleton
After score, remove the breath-life tokens and take every tiles that you have on your skeleton
Flip the board and play with your character side.
Prepare the song “My little pouch of bouns” in your tablet, smartphone or computer.
Who place the tiles for the side of his character on the board faster while the song is playing won 3 poins.
Kaland, Gyerek játék, Utazás
Lapka-elhelyezés, Minta felismerés, Deduction
Már ketten is játszható! Remek kikapcsolódás lehet pároknak is!
Rövid játékidő! Ha csak gyors játékra vágysz a munka után, akkor ez a neked való!
Elsősorban gyerekek számára készült, de a szülőknek is remek kikapcsolódást nyújthat a közös játék élménye.
Jelenleg egyik üzletben sem kapható a játék! Állíts be egy árufigyelést, hogy értesülj, amikor újra kapható lesz a boltokban!
Az alábbi játékok a hasonlítanak leginkább a(z) My little pouch of bones társasjátékhoz