A Munchkin Pathfinder egy nagyon könnyen tanulható társasjáték, 3 - 6 játékos részére, az átlagos játékidő 1 - 1.5 óra. A társast, a könnyebb tanulhatósága ellenére, csak 12 éves kortól ajánljuk kipróbálni. A játékmenet erősen épít a váltakozó képességek, a pakli tervezés, a kockadobás és a vedd el mechanizmusokra. Ősi relikviák! Elveszett sírok! Átkozott...
A Munchkin Pathfinder egy nagyon könnyen tanulható társasjáték, 3 - 6 játékos részére, az átlagos játékidő 1 - 1.5 óra. A társast, a könnyebb tanulhatósága ellenére, csak 12 éves kortól ajánljuk kipróbálni. A játékmenet erősen épít a váltakozó képességek, a pakli tervezés, a kockadobás és a vedd el mechanizmusokra.
Ősi relikviák! Elveszett sírok! Átkozott istenek! És elegendő kincs, hogy megrakd hátasodat! Ez a Munchkin Pathfinder Deluxe! Szintjelző táblával, dobókockával és 12 játékoslapka és talp.
Forrás: Szellemlovas
Kártyajáték, Fantasy, Harc, Humor
Váltakozó képességek, Pakli tervezés, Kockadobás, Vedd el
Ez a társasjáték kapható a boltokban! Nézd meg partnereink ajánlatát, vagy próbáld ki az árkalkulátort!
Mágia, kard, harc, lovagok, papok és minden, ami egy jó fantasy-hez tartozik!
A játék mechanikájának fontos része, hogy a játékosok különböző, sokszor változó képességekkel bírnak.
Egyszerre több játékot vásárolnál? Próbáld ki az Árkalkulátort és kiszámoljuk neked a legoptimálisabb feltételeket, hogy a legjobb árat kapd meg!
Munchkin pawns are plastic figures of the Munchkin Man in six different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. They were released with Munchkin Quest, then made available for purchase separately. The pawns have a special rule for use in any Munchkin card game: Any time you are entitled to go up a level – or when you do something that WOULD...
Another Official Munchkin Plastic Bag! Extra bonus -- free Munchkins! These six female Munchkin pawns are scheduled to appear in a 2010 Munchkin Quest supplement . . . but if you want them early, here they are! You get one in each of the six Munchkin Quest player colors. The obvious thing to do would be to throw them into your Munchkin Quest box along with...
This shot glass has a special rule for all Munchkin games: During any combat, you may drink one shot from the Munchkin Gazebo Shot Glass to throw the Potion of Gazebo Repro at the monster, making it look just like a Gazebo. The main player must fight alone. If that player already has a helper, the helper is kicked out of the combat with no penalty. You may...
This shot glass has a special rule for all Munchkin games: During any combat, you may drink one complete Potion of Plutonium Dragon Summoning from the Munchkin Plutonium Dragon Shot Glass to retrieve the Plutonium Dragon from the Door discards or deck (reshuffle the deck, in that case) and add it as a wandering monster. You may only do this once per game....
This shot glass has the artwork from Zombie Dice but does not have any in-game rules for that game. It does, however, have a special rule for all Munchkin games: You may drink one complete Potion of Zombie Immunity from the Zombie Shot Glass to dodge a Curse (or Trap or Disaster) or a monster's Bad Stuff. You must declare that that you are FEELING NO...
The Munchkin Patch is an actual patch that can be attached to clothing, and it gives a special privilege during Munchkin games to someone wearing the patch on his clothing. In particular: 1) The Munchkin Patch must be sewn to a visible article of clothing you are wearing. Just having the patch confers no bonus!2) Once per game, when another player uses a...
Colors far too awesome for a rainbow . . . try our Bubblegum Pink, Ninja Black, Glow in the Dark, Frosted, and Invisible Munchkins and Munchkin Babes, all in one package! These pawns were previously only available in our Gen Con capsule machine, but now you can get the complete set without using up all your laundry money. And of course, they have a rule!...
Munchkin Pathfinder: Gobsmacked! társasjáték Kiegészítő 3990 Ft-tól! - 1 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
Munchkin is not a drinking game. Really. But don't let that stop you from showing your love of Munchkin with the Munchkin Sparkly Good Fairy Shot Glass. These 1.5 oz glasses are white with the Sparkly Good Fairy in pink, and have LEDs in the base that flash when a switch in the base of the glass is pressed. The lights represent the Fairy's magic, enhancing...
From publisher's website: This contents five rubber Munchkin zipper pulls in a small plastic bag. Official Rule: You may reroll a die once per game per zipper pull attached to a bag or item of clothing you are wearing. You can only reroll each roll once. You must actually zip (or unzip) that zipper to reroll the die, so please consider your zipper pull...
Munchkin Pathfinder: Truly Gobnoxious társasjáték Kiegészítő 3990 Ft-tól! - 1 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
Description from the publisher: Munchkin Pathfinder 2: Guns and Razzes, a 112-card expansion to Munchkin Pathfinder. gives players the Gunslinger class and a new faction: the Razmiran Vision. The Gunslinger class specializes in firearms (always the best specialty for a fantasy character), and the Razmiran Vision faction lets players benefit from...
Munchkin Pathfinder fans, expand your adventure possibilities with the 20 new Dungeon cards in Munchkin Pathfinder 3 – Odd Ventures! These Dungeons are based on the best-selling Adventure Paths for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Inc. We've also delved into the game to find the most (in)famous gates, doorways and other passageways to use for the...
Evil witches are everywhere. Souring your milk, corrupting your files, sailing across the moon with a cackling laugh. What can you do? What you always do – kill them and take their stuff. Here are a dozen witchy monsters with Items and Curses to match! This expansion works with any Munchkin set, but if you want witches to be a bit more central in your...
Munchkin Witches társasjáték Kiegészítő 4790 Ft-tól! - 1 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
Munchkin Cows társasjáték Kiegészítő 3390 Ft-tól! - 2 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
Szörnyet megölni * Kincset ellopni * Havert hátba döfni Harcosok, varázslók, tolvajok, papok, börtönök, sárkányok s egyéb borult nyalánkságok! Törpe, gnóm, elf, s mindenféle faj, mit toll kínnal bír leírni csak! No meg a kincs! Annak persze se szeri, se száma, csak vigyázni kell, mert érte a hőst jó eséllyel a legjobb barátja döfi majd hátba. Ez egy ilyen...
Munchkin társasjáték 3500 Ft-tól! - 3 felhasználó és 26 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
Titkosügynökös munchkin változat, kémekkel, küldetésekkel és különleges kütyükkel. Lehetsz bérgyilkos, turista vagy playboy. A szituáció pedig a szokásos, öld meg a szörnyeket, vedd el a cuccaikat és légy az első, aki eléri a 10. szintet.Angol:Publisher's DescriptionThe Munchkins are now spies... eliminating the opposition, playing with self-destructing gadgets, and changing loyalties even faster than they change hats....
Game description from the publisher: Raid the world of myth and legend! Crush every foe you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run. Munchkin Legends is the new Munchkin card game about legendary adventure...with none of that stupid roleplaying stuff. You'll defeat mythic monsters and grab fabled magic items! Don the...
Munchkin Legends társasjáték 13090 Ft-tól! - 2 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
Description from the publisher: Adventure with the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodsman! Brave the Poppy Fields or the Deadly Desert! Fight against a Wicked Witch or King Krewl! Visit the Emerald City and talk with Dorothy, Ozma, or the Cowardly Lion! Play a Professor, Royalty, Soldier ... or even a Wizard! L. Frank Baum's Oz books have been favorites of...
Description from the publisher: The marvelous magician Moop is mashing up monsters to meet the marauding munchkins. He's created bizarre new animals such as the Owligator and Kangarooster! But the heroes can fight back with their own mixed-up weapons, including Sockodiles and the Beaver Cleaver. This version of Munchkin is the craziest ever...but it's...
Munchkin Shakespeare társasjáték 12700 Ft-tól! - 1 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
Get the complete Munchkin Starfinder collection with Munchkin Starfinder I Want it All! It contains all the physical rewards released and unlocked during the Kickstarter campaign, including items that will never go to retail separately. To prove that you’ve got it all, you’ll also receive a certificate with its own special rules and spots for signatures...
Munchkin has gone to the dogs...plus foxes, mice, and ponies! Anthropomorphic animals have always been popular, from the beast-headed gods of Egypt to Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny today. Now you can bring them into the dungeon in Munchkin Tails, fighting off opponents such as the Human Rights Activist, the Robot Vacuum, or even the feared Animal Control...
Munchkin Tails of the Season társasjáték Kiegészítő 3190 Ft-tól! - 1 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
Munchkin is a satirical card game based on the clichés and oddities of Dungeons & Dragons and other role-playing games. Each player starts at level 1 and the winner is the first player to reach level 10. Players can acquire familiar D&D style character classes during the game which determine to some extent the cards they can play. There are two types of...
Az alábbi játékok a hasonlítanak leginkább a(z) Munchkin Pathfinder társasjátékhoz