Mensch erfreue dich
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Mensch erfreue dich társasjáték


A Mensch erfreue dich egy kiváló társasjáték, 2 - 4 játékos részére.

The players each have their own player boards and take turns to roll and move. A special tilt die is used to generate numbers between 0 und 59. Rules for three games are...

A Mensch erfreue dich egy kiváló társasjáték, 2 - 4 játékos részére.

Angol leírás

The players each have their own player boards and take turns to roll and move. A special tilt die is used to generate numbers between 0 und 59. Rules for three games are included.

Marathon-Prämienspiel (Plan 1)
For this game the tilt die is used like a normal die to get results from 1 to 6. The players start at "Start" and have to get their five meeples, numbered from 1 to 5, to the space marked with "Ziel". If a meeple reaches a red space marked with five dots (tournament bonus space) it advances to the next red spot marked with a "+" (additive bonus space) from wich it advances further according to its own number. If the result of the die and the number of the moved meeple add to "5" its number is considered to be "5" when landing on an additive bonus space. The spaces marked with a double ring (pairing spaces) may be occupied by two meeples, which then move together as a stack.

Lotto-Turnierspiel (Plan 2)
Six meeples, marked 0 to 5, are placed on the board by using the tilt die to get results from 0 to 59. Then all meeples standing on white spaces are placed on the red space marked as "Start B". All meeples standing on the white/red spaces (tournament pre spaces) are placed on the associated red tournament spaces, stacked if necessary. In the next phase of the game the tilt die is uses to produce the digits 0 to 5. The goal of the game is to get all numbered meeples on the tournament spaces with digits match their number. The space "Start A" is used as an interim space to move meeples from a tournament space where they don't belong.

Lotto-Königs-Turnierspiel (Plan 2)
The placement of the meeples is like in the Lotto-Turnierspiel. But in this game the meeples move from ant to the boards of the other players till all meeples end up on the same board and the owner of this board wins the game. The movement of the meeples between the bords is controlled by strict rules wich allows the players no own decisions. So, it's a pure game of chance.

—user summary

2 - 4 játékos
Link másolása

Kategória: Stratégia
Mechanizmus: Forgass és mozgass, Kockadobás, Verseny, Track Movement



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0 / 2000


Részletes adatok


  • Kiadók:  (Unknown)
  • Elérhető nyelvek:  német


  • German second edition
    • Nyelv: német
    • Méretek: 17.5 cm x 27.8 cm x 2 cm
    • Súly: 0.2 kg
  • Mensch erfreue dich
    • Nyelv: német

Hasonló játékok

Az alábbi játékok a hasonlítanak leginkább a(z) Mensch erfreue dich társasjátékhoz