In a retro-futuristic reality, renowned scientist James Watt, known for his revolutionary inventions, embarked on a new and mysterious journey. In his laboratory, full of gears and glass tubes, Watt developed an extraordinary machine capable of exploring the deepest recesses of the human mind during sleep: the "Máquina dos Sonhos" (Dream Machine)! A...
This earlier Master Labyrinth is very different than the 2007 dragon-themed Master Labyrinth. Part of the Ravensburger Labyrinth Games series, this game is based on the simpler, original Labyrinth game. It is played on a board with maze tiles (straight, L, and T shaped corridors) randomly arranged on it. Players are represented on the board by little...
Here you are in the middle of a Steampunk universe, playing the role of ambitious little rabbits ready to do anything to recover the magic crystals scattered throughout an enchanted forest that will defend itself. The aim of the game: the first rabbit to have returned to its burrow with enough Carrot Crystals wins the game. 60 tiles are laid on their...
How can you forge ahead through the jeweled walls of the mine shaft? Shift them! Rotate a game tile a quarter turn to move the mine wall and allow your gemstone access. Or rotate tiles to prevent your opponent from moving. There are walls everywhere, but strategic miners can successfully make their way through to the other side. With 27 game board tiles...
Mine Shift társasjáték 2000 Ft-tól! - 1 felhasználó árulja ezt a játékot!
You have dared to enter the labyrinth, only to find that the maze changes with almost every step you take. The way out has been sealed off, and the Minotaur patrols these halls, called to the magic of the medallions and those who might steal them. Even if you defeat it in combat, the magic of the labyrinth keeps the beast alive. Your only hope is to...
Cooperate to create a secret garden together, or compete to earn the most points in this double-sided adventure that includes a game and a puzzle. This experience is designed to be relaxing while you enjoy the simple act of putting puzzle pieces together, or lining up elements of a garden for more points. Play cooperatively or competitively with friends...
This world once devastated by what were called the great calamities, was the spectacle of the most devastating actions. Years passed and since then peace had prevailed, but the sages of today hid the monsters of yesteryear. Secrets, treasures and characters were sealed and ignorance had become the shield of the peoples who survived. Namma is an exciting...
Obscure War is a tabletop miniature board game in which Warwulf Cabal and Vampyric Cabal fight for the control of Obscure Plane Domains. The game takes place in a contemporary Dark Fantasy universe with a rather spectacular mechanic of Power Cards that interact directly on the Game zone and affect the Characters in game. You have 3 phases in a Turn :...
Storyline: Scientists now knew it was the end of the world. They predicted that a scourge of natural disasters would hit the earth getting increasingly more dangerous until they wiped out all life on earth. The nation's government leaders came up with a solution to build a giant government facility larger than any structure on earth capable of withstanding...
P'achakuna takes you on a journey in the heart of the Andes together with your most loyal friend — your llama. The game includes both black and white llamas, with you controlling one color and your opponent the other. White llamas move only through the green valleys, while black llamas scale the barren mountains. Whatever the color, however, you want to...
Parched is a coaster-based board game in which two competing players race to irrigate their hop or coffee bean farm. The octagonal, coaster pieces are reorganized by opponents through a card laying mechanic to create a blue line of waterway edges from the water source to their respective end coaster. Trick-taking card play is augmented by action cards...