This game uses the Glyph deck to simulate a story-telling, problem-solving experience with simple matching mechanics. During gameplay, the player will resolve obstacles by matching them with cards that share the same minor suits and that make narrative sense. Items will be picked up and placed in an inventory; characters can be befriended and join the...
In the dark kingdom of goblins, the order has been given: plunder and rob the neighboring realm in search of the most coveted treasures. We, the thieving goblins, will take on the challenge of filling the king goblin's bag with the most valuable loot, thus feeding his insatiable greed. However, we face a dilemma: we must control our own greed and be...
Trick 100 is a game where you have to outbid - or you cheat! To do this, you play a card face down and simply claim that it is higher than the card currently on display and shares a digit/color with it. Whoever‘s turn it is can believe it or not. But be careful, not only cheating is possible in this game, but also bluffing. If you are wrong you have to...
It’s Halloween! The sun is setting, the children are preparing their costumes and grabbing their bags as they leave to meet up with their friends and wander the neighborhood in search of the best candy! The Objective is to have the most points at the end of the game by collecting specific sets of candy. Collecting cursed treats like raisins will give you...
It’s a city jungle - cars, traffic lights, road works. And all mail trucks are full of parcels waiting for delivery. How to break through those jungles and become first who delivers all the parcels? Each player chooses a truck and fills it with parcels, when the trucks are full, the game starts. Player, who has the turn, should check the address to which...
Summary: - Trigahex is a strategic abstract card game for 2-6 players. - Play individually or in a team. - Suitable for ages 8+. - Players can choose the length of play by deciding how many Hexagons win the game (1, 2 or 3). Approximately 10 minutes - 40 minutes. The Playing Cards: Trigahex includes three Triangle coloured decks of cards (54 x Red, 54 x...
Trigger Happy is a mix of Crazy Eights and Russian Roulette. Survive this game of chance by matching numbers or colors of cards. If you cannot match the cards then roll the die. If the die matches the card then you lose. It’s just that simple but be careful: trick shots, cards that can hinder other players, can be lethal. This game can last for ten minutes...
All square cards with the elements of the New Year's puzzle are placed face down on the table, thoroughly mixed and laid out in even rows of eight cards in each row tightly together so that a large square of the hidden picture is formed. All rectangular cards are thoroughly mixed and laid out back side up on the table in a stack. Each player in one turn...
The Trio Play Tarot deck is actually three decks in one. First and foremost the Trio Play Deck is a (78 card) tarot deck with a design that highlights the ruling elements of each suit/card within the deck. Red is used for cards ruled by Fire (wands/clubs), Blue for Water (cups/hearts), Yellow for Air (swords/spades), and Green for Earth...
Are those two really connected? Tsuchinoko Dokonoko is a speed action game in which you must quickly find two connected cards among the cards that are turned over one after another. Recommended for families with elementary school children and casual/light groups. When a player notices that one of the cards on the table is connected, they quickly take one...