Muse: Renaissance is a stand-alone expansion for Muse and Muse: Awakenings featuring 84 additional and unique Masterpiece cards. This version can be played alone or added as an expansion to Muse and/or Muse: Awakenings. Muse: Renaissance also has an all-new individual scoring system which opens up more options for playing. Enjoy a new game, or play the...
It's been a way too long since you've played with the old band. Now you're all together in Music City for one last performance. Players work together to make an improvised song out loud. Each card is an intrument with a limited range of sounds. Once you receive a card, you may contribute to the song using only those sounds. After a short delay to let the...
Fedezzétek fel az elfeledett kastély rejtélyeit! Magyar nyelvű játékszabályok megtekintéséhez kattints ide! A Szellemtábla magyarosítása itt található. Az Álomtörténetek és a Teljes nyomozás játékváltozatokat is elolvashatod.Angol:Tajemnicze Domostwo is a purely co-operative game for 2-7 players. One player takes the role of a helpful ghost who lives in a mysterious ancient manor. Other players are a group...
Mysterium társasjáték 8000 Ft-tól! - 1 felhasználó árulja ezt a játékot!
Sekretne podszepty is an expansion to Tajemnicze Domostwo adding 78 cards to the base game, including: 12 Location cards, 12 Character cards, 12 Item cards, 42 Dream cards. The new cards are intended to be shuffled into their respective decks from the base game and greatly increase the replayability of Tajemnicze Domostwo. —description from the publisher...
Kiváló blöffölős/dedukciós játék, gyors és izgalmas játékmenettel! A néhány végrehajtható akció rávezeti a játékosokat a gyors döntéshozásra. A rendhagyó szabályok alátámasztják szépségét és eleganciáját ennek a kártyajátéknak.Angol:In Narabi, players are dealt 3-4 cards at the start of the round, with those cards bearing either a blank or a number from 0 to 9. Each card is sleeved, and within the sleeve on...
A cooperative game of animal deduction. One player has a clue card specifying three spots in a nine card grid of animals. They draw three animal cards and place each as "similar" or "dissimilar". Then all the other players discuss and agree on an animal they think fits. If they get it wrong, they flip a guess token and turn the animal sideways to indicate...
In NewSpeak: Dead Drop dissident players have access to limited visual information in the form of a hand of picture cards, items that can be 'hidden' in different locations to give them an edge over the moderators. The moderators will have to contend with one piece of information which is hidden, rather than completely open information in the dissident...
Niwashi is a cooperative game with limited communication for 2 players only. The aim of the game is to achieve a maximum number of objectives by placing "garden tiles" on top of each other. The two players must place "garden tiles" to build a garden and reveal shapes of one colour of the 4 seasons. The garden tiles are divided into 3 plots of different...
"How well do you know your friends?" Pick someone you think you know well. Randomly pick a card from the deck and read it aloud (doesn't matter who). From the choices on the card, write down your choice under the "Me" column and write down what you think your teammate wrote down under the "Not Me" column. Repeat for all 8 question cards in the round. Once...
Non-Stop is a hilarious drawing game that can accommodate any number of players with a minimum of 3 (although a varient for two is in development!). Please note this game is currently in development with the most up to date rules being published here in the File section. Players will take turns as the artist, drawing a random card from the Subject Deck....
"The people sitting around your table have been lying to you. They are actually the most powerful leaders of industry the world has ever seen, with massive stockpiles of resources and weapons, probably hiding somewhere in their basement. Can you trust them? Can they trust you? I don't know, but I'm pickin' up some strange vibes. Could be that tuna I ate...