#hashtags is a party game, based on a public domain game in which each player take turns attempting to get another player to guess famous people, objects, places, books, etc.. In the first round, clue givers can say anything they want, except for the name (or part of). On the the second round, clue givers can only say one word and the guessers can only try...
"Der HeidelBÄR" was just released this year (20 Year Heidelberger anniversary) and is a party game where everybody uses word association to describe a word with a per, peer, bear in it. The word is replaced with a bear and you need to describe it for the others with only six words. but the first two words are always "This bear..." or "My bear...". So you...
An easy and fun party card game “Hit Manga” based on the traditional Japanese game “Karuta”! Think of a line that fits perfectly into a blank balloon and read it out on the spot, let others guess which card it is! Each turn, the active player draws a card that matches the grid. They think of a line that fits, and everyone else tries to guess which card in...
Hivemind is a reimplementation of The Mind, using Looney pyramids instead of cards. Hivemind is a real-time cooperative game where no communication is allowed (any sounds, gestures, et cetera). Each player has a random set of pyramids hidden behind a screen. Players try to play these pyramids in order without knowing which pyramids the other players have...
Hunch is all about words! You try to get the others to guess your secret words by cleverly using clues. But beware: you can't think up these clues yourself, you have to buy them from the others. Be creative and think of the most desirable clues! Be empathetic and buy the right clues! And in the end, have the right hunch when guessing the secret words of...
Cooperate with each other to guess how the judge is feeling! I felt... is a cooperative game in which you are divided into “the judge” and “the respondent”. The challenge is to guess the feelings of the judge within the set time limit by asking questions and discussing with your fellow respondents. The game ends when each player has played the role of the...
I’m not a human is a fast-paced game where the AI-generated artwork meets the human ingenuity. One of you takes on the role of a human pretending to be a robot in the world of AI supremacy. Relying on other players’ associations they try to find the image password for the secret AI site… And even if the human is at a loss they still can outsmart the robots...
I’m not a robot is an amusing fast-paced game of deduction. One of you takes on the role of a robot pretending to be a human. Relying on other players’ associations they try to figure out which picture is the key to access an important database… Even if the robot has no clue it can still have its way — it only has to be humanly clever to remain...
Időfutár ("Timerunner") is a young adult radio play that had gone through many adaptations in Hungary. Novel, stage play and board game had been created from it, so it craved for a card game adaptation. A competition was hosted in 2019 to design a card game related to Időfutár, so my colleague Gergely and I submitted our entries: his solution won the...
Hooray, gift edition! Imaginarium beloved by everyone in a compact New Year's performance - this is a ready-made gift! It contains the best winter and holiday illustrations from all previous sets, but there are also new, new cards - as many as 11 pieces, they can be mixed with any set except the Jubilee. If you add a few, you get a very different...