You are the ruler of one of six alien races, each with their own special powers, which inhabit the lesser-known moons of Uranus. Until recently, your people have been living peacefully in underground dwellings to protect themselves from the noxious gases on the surface. But now you are besieged by violent and increasingly frequent asteroid attacks, which...
The fifth game in Winsome's Prairie Railroads Series. An economic railroad building gamer's game, Veld Railroads takes place in South Africa during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. Players bid for stock in the six available rail lines, construct track, and develop the settlements of South Africa. Historical events such as the growth...
West Riding is a train game about building new lines in a section of the UK during the Industrial Revolution. It is the first entry in the Riding Series, all published by Winsome Games. In West Riding there are two types of shares, Basic and Grouping. The primary strategy of the game revolves around these, as Basic Shares can be traded in for Grouping ones...
from Winsome Games: "Wooden Shoes & Iron Monsters" is a Riding Series game by Han Heidema. WS&IM is set in the Netherlands and covers to history of the Dutch railroads from 1830 to 2006. WS&IM is for 3-5 players for about 2-3 hours. Players start railroads, capitalize them with shares of stock, build track from city to city, receive income and later merge...