A party game where players face different challenges. Drawing, singing, telepathy, designing with a flexible 'spaghetti' and quiz.Collect five tokens (one of each category) to win the game. Play against each other or in teams.The theme of the game is Summer. It comes in a small box so you can carry it with you on your summer holiday. Contents 45 cards...
From the same family of Party & Co, Party & Co Extreme is made out of 4 different categories of games: 'Quiz & Co, 'Psyco & Co', 'Show & Co' and 'Art & Co'. Each category have different card games including some like Pictionary, Taboo, Trivial-Pursuit... People have to compete with each other in teams until they fill out his objective card (a number of...
From the same family of Party & Co, Party & Co: Ultimate is a Party & Co game that requires a bit of strategy. It is made out of 4 different categories: PartyMimo: Mime and sounds. PartyTrazos: Drawing. PartySaco: Guessing. The player must answer to their team using the format specified in the tile, like "Say YES for NO" and "Say NO for YES". PartyDado:...
Description of Party Time: Party Time is the perfect party game - test your friends with wacky prompts and wild challenges in this new twist on truth or dare. Party Time is easy to play, interactive, works well for all group sizes and is never the same game twice! Some examples of challenges are: Truth or Dare Kiss the person across from you Take a mystery...
The best mix of Trivia with multiple choise answers, mimic, sounds, challenges and more fun stuff about Ecuador with unique handcrafted tokens made with tagua "vegetal ivory". The goal is to become the Embassador of Ecuador by being the first to seal the passport. It´s a unique way to gather again with your family and friends while you travel around your...
In this partygame, the players have to collect ball-shaped croquettes. A typical Dutch snack. Players can earn them by Singing, guessing lyrics, drawing and acting. Every turn the players can answer the question and win a 'bitterbal.' When a player has 5 ball-shaped croquettes, he/she trades them for a noodle snack. The noodle snacks can't be taken away by...
The Board is a track from 1975 up to Number 1. Players must answer trivia questions on the UK pop scene for 1960 to 1986. Up to 4 players get their own question book. There are 2,500 questions in the game which is a good number and enhances replay ability. Before the start each player writes down 10 song titles and keeps that secret. As you move up the...
Pick'N'Choose is the game that adapts to your personality! To make your team guess a word, you pick and choose between nine different activities such as drawing, miming, humming, sculpting modeling clay or wires, making clownish facial expressions and sound effects, using word associations, or asking trivia questions. Harder activities will earn you more...
From the publisher... 200 Pink Elephants, well known celebrities, usual and unusual jobs and objects combined into one will get you laughing until you turn pink. Draw a card and simply act, dance, sing, whatever it takes until someone guesses your elephant. Don't worry, if no one guesses your card, at least you made a fool of yourself! This game is great...