As the lead investigator, you are summoned to unravel the mysterious death of Isabella Novakova, a renowned socialite found dead under puzzling circumstances. The Elite Grand Enigma challenges players to navigate through a labyrinth of clues, conflicting alibis, and hidden agendas. Amidst a cast of six unique suspects, each with their own secrets and...
It is 1793, and France is in the throes of bloody revolution. Every day the Committee of Public Safety carts dozens of aristocrats and royalists to the hungry guillotines. But a mysterious hero, the Scarlet Pimpernel, has been rescuing dozens of condemned Frenchmen and their families, whisking them away to the safety of England. Nobody seems to know who he...
An unknown virus that makes infected people violent has spread and the world has changed completely. A mob rushed to St. Lily’s Girls Academy and the students fled to the old school building. There they remain hidden. The girls hold their breath and wait for rescue with anxiety and fear. At dawn, one of their friends died… they can’t leave the corpse as it...
Embezzlement is a board game of stealing, lying, and covering your tracks. Players take turns (over)paying invoices. Once paid, every payment stays on their board for the next 7 turns; giving opponents a chance to catch them in their lie. You’re an underpaid, overworked, and ill-appreciated employee in the accounts payable department of Whispering Goat...
Emoji Bible Stories Card Game is great entertainment for everyone! With 4 versatile gameplay options, even younger children and those new to the Bible can join in the fun! Game 1: Tell an Emoji Bible Story Tell the Bible story on your Green Story Card with the help of 3 Emoji Cards. If other players agree that the emojis used are appropriate, you get 1...
Put your Emoticon knowledge to the test with this new and amusing card game. Common and famous phrases are shown as Emoticons across 56 unique cards and you simply have to guess the correct phrases. As we all interpret Emoticons differently this game is not as easy as it sounds and will result in fits of laughter as the ridiculous guesses ensue. When a...
Enter the mind of a retired Sherlock Holmes, recall and explore his past through the proposed puzzles and solve his last great mystery. In the mind of Sherlock is a narrative card game in which you must solve riddles while interacting with the system through your email. In Sherlock's Mind,get into the shoes of three characters during the story: Sherlock...
It is the Dawn of the Temple Vigil! The congregation prays happily ... but, suddenly, some worshipers begin to be demonized! ENCOTSTO! BACKREST! They all scream! It's time for Exorcism! The faithful must gather and decide who is Leaning and do Exorcism on him! At the end of the service, who will remain anointed? A player is chosen as the narrator, he is...
As the host of the conservation TV show WildWorld, you’re currently in the Galápagos Islands filming a special in order to bring attention to the plight of the endangered Galápagos Penguin. Suddenly, your production tent is ransacked. Your hopes of helping the penguins are in jeopardy and time is running out to complete your production. Who did this? What...
You must locate the crystal if you want to have any chance of getting out of the station alive! Strategically use you heroes' powers to be the first player to find the crystal, eliminate your opponents, and make it out in one piece. Crystal Search is a deduction and strategy game for 2 to 4 players. In order to win, you must survive your opponents' attacks...