Háború! Az elszánt Dooku gróf parancsnoksága alatt a Szeparatista Szövetség számos világot állított maga mellé a Galaktikus Köztársaság elleni nyílt felkelésben, káoszt és zsarnokságot terjesztve a kapzsiság jegyében. Hatalmas hadihajóival és óriási droidseregével a szeparatista flotta leküzdhetetlen fenyegetésnek tűnik a galaxis békéjére és szabadságára...
Lényegi változások: Az Erő nagyobb hangsúlyt fog kapni ebben a kiadásban A három frakció közötti különbségek ki lettek hangsúlyozva, melynek hatására immár teljesen más érzés lesz csatába vinni a különböző oldalakat Az új X-Wing Squad Builder applikáció minden helyzetben segíteni fog majd nekünk, hogy könnyen és egyszerűen rakjunk össze egy csapatot...
Players can recreate one of the most iconic Star Wars battles with this new product for Star Wars: X-Wing! The Battle of Yavin Scenario Pack puts players in the middle of this climatic battle with unique rules that cast one player as the Rebels desperately attempting to destroy the Death Star with a successful trench run and the other player leading the...
The iconic TIE/sa Bomber returns to Star Wars: X-Wing in this pack! TIE/sa Bombers are capable of delivering an astonishing payload in Imperial squadrons, and this pack puts two of these at players' disposal. In addition to these two miniatures, this pack bolsters squadrons with 4 standard loadout cards that invite players to jump into the action right...
Players can relive the iconic battle for Endor with this new scenario pack for Star Wars: X-Wing! The Battle Over Endor pack contains everything players need to recreate this decisive battle on the tabletop, including rules for playing out the Battle Over Endor scenario as well as new Standard Loadout cards representing iconic Rebel and Imperial pilots who...
Since the end of the Last War, the great pirate fleets have roamed the ruins of the galaxy, pillaging, extorting, and enslaving. No one has had the power to stand against them, and the desperate few who have tried, have been quickly and brutally crushed. However, when the independent crews are hired for a simple hostage rescue, it leads to a dangerous...
The second supplement for Stargrave offers a host of new scenarios and rules for gaining political backing as you fight across the ravaged galaxy. The Dahlgren Belt was once a vast asteroid mining operation that supplied the entire sector with rare metals and various elemental fuels. However, the isolation of the last war caused the corporation to wither...
A game of starship combat between the USS Enterprise and a Klingon Bird of Prey scout. There is no mapboard. Instead, the game is played using two Navigation Wheels that show the relative position and heading of each ship, depending on the maneuvers made by the players. A Statistics card is used to damage and starship systems. Game variations include the...
This game features combat between the USS Reliant and a Klingon L-9 frigate. Combat is conducted through the use of navigation wheels that determine the relative heading of each ship as they move. Damage and ship status is kept track of on a ship statistics card. The first player to reduce his opponent's superstructure points to zero wins. There are also...
“The Next Leap Forward!” Stellar Horizons 2: Galactic Frontier traces humanity’s journey into the galaxy over the coming centuries (2100-2900) by Andrew Rader. Players will control one of seven factions vying to establish an interstellar empire, each with unique advantages, drawbacks, and special abilities. Through competitive and cooperative scenarios and...
Steps is an active board game where players step by step build a tower using wooden plates (Stepses) Sounds easy? If your goal is not just to put your Steps on top of the tower but to place it on the narrow game board by throwing accurately over your opponent’s Steps? It’s a dynamic and a gambling game for one or more players. It requires knowledge of...
This expansion contains: Four new classes: The Bard: Can avoid fight three time a day by rolling his magic or under. The Wise Woman: Her fortune never goes below 2. Lost Childrens: Play as two characters, or two players play one of each. The Brother is more proficient at fighting than her sister, who is more adept in magic. The Gentleman: Starts with 100...