After countless battles, the King and Queen have grown worried of the strength of their army and thus have issued a decree for their soldiers to train more! Together, a Rook and Bishop practice their combat skills in Red Rook Blue Bishop. Red Rook Blue Bishop is a micro abstract game that can fit 1 or more players, though 1-4P is recommended as the board...
Fly through space with André Kuipers! Defy gravity in space and hunt for astonishing objects and phenomena from the universe. With each mission you complete, you will learn more about the universe and earn a flightpatch! If you know how to finish first by completing your missions and returning safely to your rocket ship, you win! Introduction Each player...
Répáskert társasjáték ár: 2 990Ft. Csibész nyulak vakmerő csoportja hatol be az óriás sárgarépáiról híres Répáskertbe, hogy akciójuk révén minél több zsákmányt szerezzenek. Egymás riválisai is egyben, de legfőbb ellenfelük az a két szelindek, akik mindenkit megmarnak, aki csak ismeretlenként beteszi a lábát. Megkezdődik az izgalmas kergetőzés és a...
Répáskert társasjáték 2990 Ft-tól! - 3 felhasználó árulja ezt a játékot!
Retro Hero is the first of many games for the Retro Gamer Device. Players start by randomly selecting 5 level cards (this is your cartridge) and inserting them into their Retro Gamer Device. Each level has a predetermined number of turns so players must try and make the best with the options they're presented. The goal is to collect points while navigating...
A Components: Looney Pyramid Games game in the spirit of Ricochet Robots: an 8x8 board has 9 stationary towers and 3 mobile robots. Each turn, a randomly chosen robot must move onto a randomly chosen tower. Towers and the map edge and other robots block movement (but goal tower does not block movement). Player simultaneously try to find the smallest...
Rioniversal: The Diamonds' World is a board game for 2 to 9 players that features fantasy characters such as gnomes and trolls. Which team are you going to choose? Each player must move, as directed by the dice, through the various worlds that make up the board. The board is organized around a central and fixed space where three trolls reside, and it...
Road Rally is an abstract tile placement, path negotiation, and counter collecting game with a racing theme. Two to four players take turns placing square tiles on a 6x6 grid and moving their cars through a continually growing maze of streets and road hazards from their start positions, past two check points, and on to the finish line. Road hazard tiles...
RoboRally ár: 16 560Ft. RoboRally immár klasszikus taktikai játék különböző nehézségi fokú játék táblával és cool robotokkal. A játék lényege, hogy kártyákkal programozzuk a saját robotunkat, és egyrészt megpróbáljuk a többi robotot kilőni, másrész elkerülni a robotunk ellen irányuló támadásokat. 9 kártyából 5-öt kell kiválasztani és a sorrendjükkel...
Robo Rally társasjáték 14000 Ft-tól! - 1 felhasználó árulja ezt a játékot!
(This game is currently in prototype phase) Constructing robots in a fully automated factory is quite a simple job, really. To be honest, it is such a bore that your abilities are hardly even challenged as the head of the robot assembly. Thus you make a bet with the other overseers at the robot assembly line: who can build the best robots the quickest? The...
Welcome to the future! Welcome to what counts as parole in today's prison system. So, you want out? You're tired of making money for The System through hard labor? Well, if you want out early, you'll have to make up for lost profits by going through the Robot Maze. An event televised to a paid viewing audience where you have to make it out of a maze while...