Az Israel 1948: The First Arab-Israeli War egy nagyszerű társasjáték, 2 játékos részére, az átlagos játékidő hosszabb, akár 45 - 120 perc is lehet. A társast, 12 éves kortól ajánljuk kipróbálni.
A 2-player game covering the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. One player plays the Israeli forces and the other plays the Arab League forces. There is a hex map of Israel and surrounding...
A 2-player game covering the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. One player plays the Israeli forces and the other plays the Arab League forces. There is a hex map of Israel and surrounding countries. The units are mostly brigades - about 20 on the Israeli side and 30 on the Arab side.
There are 3 scenarios which correspond to the 3 main phases of the war:
Scenario 1 "Onslaught": Covers the invasion of the new state of Israel after the British withdrawal from 15th May 1948 to the first truce of 11th June 1948.
Scenario 2 "Ten Days": Covers the Israeli counter-offensive from 9th to 18th July when there was the second truce.
Scenario 3: "End Game": Covers the October 1948 fighting after the end of the second truce which concluded the war.
It is also possible to link 2 sequential, or all 3 scenarios into a larger campaign game of the whole war.
Game Components:
88 Counters
11” by 17” Game Map
Rule Book with Design Notes and Historical Information
Quick Reference Sheet
-description from publisher's website
Hatszög-rács, Kockadobás, Szcenárió / Küldetés / Kampány, Movement Points, Zone of Control
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