A Doffinos: Onboarding egy kiváló társasjáték, 2 - 4 játékos részére, az átlagos játékidő rövid, csak 10 - 15 perc. A társast, 8 éves kortól ajánljuk kipróbálni.
Doffinos is a strategic and fun game about making decisions in the office without necessarily being the most productive. This card game is like years of work experience but in a...
Doffinos is a strategic and fun game about making decisions in the office without necessarily being the most productive.
This card game is like years of work experience but in a game. You will have to learn to leave the office early, doing your job (so far so good), attending to your boss's urgencies, and getting around the ramblings (and jokes) of your co-workers.
The game is based on hand management. You have to put work hours (task cards) on the table until you reach 8 hours.
The challenge includes avoiding Action cards (that your co-workers/other players) can play to boost their game or to stop you. Also you have to deal with the boss cards, random cards that appear and have devastating effects.
The player that reaches 8 hours of work wins one visibility point. The player that gains 2 visibility points wins the whole game.
It's a game:
Easy to learn
10 min games
—description from the publisher
Kategória: Kártyajáték, Képregény / Grafikus novella
Már ketten is játszható! Remek kikapcsolódás lehet pároknak is!
Rövid játékidő! Ha csak gyors játékra vágysz a munka után, akkor ez a neked való!
Jelenleg egyik üzletben sem kapható a játék! Állíts be egy árufigyelést, hogy értesülj, amikor újra kapható lesz a boltokban!