A Buzzed Out! egy nagyszerű társasjáték, 4 - 6 játékos részére, az átlagos játékidő rövid, csak 30 perc. A társast, 10 éves kortól ajánljuk kipróbálni. A játékmenet erősen épít a szövetségek, a történetmesélés és a hot potato mechanizmusokra.
A great game to get the party started. Riotous fun designed to bring out your competitive side. Try to guess correctly, the word or common phrase of your team mate in this manic...
A great game to get the party started. Riotous fun designed to bring out your competitive side. Try to guess correctly, the word or common phrase of your team mate in this manic quick fire game. Game contents include word cards and an electronic timer. Don't get caught in possession!
Preperation for the game:
Split into two teams.
Decide how many points a team needs to score to win the game. We recommend 8.
Choose which coloured side of the cards you will play for your game.
Shuffle the deck of cards and place down in the centre of the table.
Playing the game:
One player is nominated from each team to be the describing player for the first round, the remaining players on the team are the guessing players.
Once you have selected your describing and guessing players a member of either team can activate the timer.
Once the timer is activated the timer ticks for an undisclosed amount of time.During this time the describing player of Team One collects a card from the top of the card pile. Each card features 10 items of phrases. The describing player selects any one of the ten and describes their selection to the guessing members on their team. The description can only be made by voice , no gestures are allowed. The describing player must not use any part of the word or phrase to help their description. The guessing players do their best to answer as quickly as possible.
On correctly guessing the item or phrase the card is passed to Team Two's describing player who then selects a different item or phrase from the same list of ten. They then proceed to describe the selected item to their guessing players. Again, on a correct guess the card is passed back to Team One's Describing player, who picks a new item or phrase. This process continues with both teams attempting to describe and guess correctly as quickly as possible so they may return the card to the opposing team.
During this time the timer continues to tick until eventually a buzzer sounds marking the end of the round. Whichever team is left holding the card is the loser!
Tips and points to remember:
You cannot predict when the buzzer will sound because this changes each time you play a round.
Once a team have guessed an item or phrase correctly the card is deemed to be in play with the other team. Unnecessary delays in handing over the card or taking the card are not allowed. Persistent offenders should be penalised by losing a point.
Teams must pay attention so as not to repeat the description of an item or phrase already featured in that round. Repeating words only wastes time for your team!
The losing team in a round fails to score, however, the winning team scores 1 point.
Should the teams manage to guess all ten items and phrases on the card correctly before the buzzer sounds both teams score 1 point.
For round two change your describing and guessing players.
Winning the game:
The first team to the agreed number of points is the winner!
Good Luck!
Szövetségek, Történetmesélés, Hot Potato
Ez a társasjáték kapható a boltokban! Nézd meg partnereink ajánlatát, vagy próbáld ki az árkalkulátort!
Rövid játékidő! Ha csak gyors játékra vágysz a munka után, akkor ez a neked való!
A partijátékok nagyon fel tudják dobni bármelyik baráti összejövetel hangulatát, így azok szinte elengedhetetlen kellékei!
Egyszerre több játékot vásárolnál? Próbáld ki az Árkalkulátort és kiszámoljuk neked a legoptimálisabb feltételeket, hogy a legjobb árat kapd meg!
Az alábbi játékok a hasonlítanak leginkább a(z) Buzzed Out! társasjátékhoz