Ez a játék a Bulwark kiegészítője.
A Bulwark: Harsfa the Silent egy összetett kiegészítő a Bulwark társasjátékhoz, 1 - 4 játékos részére, az átlagos játékidő rövidebb, csak 1 óra. A társast, a bonyolultsága miatt, csak 10 éves kortól ajánljuk kipróbálni. Kooperatív jellegű, a játékmenet erősen épít a pakli építés mechanizmusra.
Contains one Hero deck for Bulwark.
Harsfa isn't exactly mute, but you would be forgiven for thinking so considering how seldom she speaks. She has elevated being a bodyguard to an art form, being able to lead a terrified client through a hail of arrows unscathed and skewer two goblins with one thrust of her trusty spear. If you bring her into battle alongside you, you can concentrate on taking out the enemy without worrying about your own safety.
Kooperatív, Pakli építés
Ez a játék egy kiegészítő. Ez ilyen játékok az eredeti játékhoz, annak élményéhez, mechanizmusához, készletéhez, adnak plusz elemeket.
Ebben a játékban az együttműködés a cél. Nem egymást, hanem magát a játékot kell legyőznötök!
Nem érnek rá a barátok? Ennél a társasjátéknál nem gond, ezt már egy személytől is lehet játszani!
Jelenleg egyik üzletben sem kapható a játék! Állíts be egy árufigyelést, hogy értesülj, amikor újra kapható lesz a boltokban!
From publisher description: More Heroic Co-operative Deck-Building! So, you've faced down goblins and fire lizards at Fort Briggs and think you're pretty tough? Well, try the Winter of Death on for size. More cards, more options, more opportunities to take a thrashing from a card game. This expansion rounds out the basic Bulwark set with the following: A...
From publisher description: Heroic Co-operative Deck-Building! Eschewing the narrow study and academic focus of the Council of Mages, Jakab learned from the example of the elves and mastered something resembling their traditional magic. Having travelled all over the world in the process, he is a seasoned adventurer and mighty opponent on the field of...
From publisher description: Heroic Co-operative Deck-Building! No-one knows what dark secrets were whispered into the ear of magecraft's most promising student in generations. Whatever they were, they led him to reject the wisdom of his teachers and take short-cuts to power - ones that left him far less, or perhaps far more, than human. He is consumed with...
From publisher description: Heroic Co-operative Deck-Building! The Tower of Secret Lore is the acvademy where all mages are taught, and where the Council that keeps them in order meets and works. The main tower is host to an almost impossible number of floors, with huge buttresses and parapets reaching out from it and containing entire rooms themselves....
From publisher description: Heroic Co-operative Deck-Building! Csenge was identified as a precocious talent my mages from the Council at a young age. Unfortunately, she did nopt take well to the dsicpline and ,eventually was expelled. After a number of years developing her talents in her own way she became a formidable battle mage, much sought after as a...
From publisher description: Heroic Co-operative Deck-Building! Magister Kelemen is a peaceful water mage, consumed with furthering his knowledge of magic. Unfortunately, his attempts to conduct research always seem to be interrupted by monsters, bandits and invading armies. Consequently, he is one of the most powerful battle mages in the world. One day he...
From publisher description: Heroic Co-operative Deck-Building! Armies boast about their strength and courage, but none are so fool-hardy as to boast that they could fight a dragon. You're tougher than an army, though, right? More Options Fires of Fury is a Foe deck with particularly powerful crown Foes. Although you don't have to kill them at first, they...
From publisher description: Heroic Co-operative Deck-Building! Jedrzej lived to fight, and that meant death for those he fought. After years building a reputation as a combatant to be feared, there was little left that could stand against him. When at last he returned to his home, he found his tribe annihilated and its customs forgotten. In his zeal for...
From publisher description: Heroic Co-operative Deck-Building! Someone once called Baron Miksa a 'slimy, double-crossing swineherd'. That man disappeared in mysterious circumstances, at around the same time as the foundations were laid for the Baron's new castle. The Redoubt is a stronghold built to be secure on a budget. Alas, the Baron seems to have...
From publisher description: Heroic Co-operative Deck-Building! When a gang of bandits gets too big for its britches, it dreams of conquest, of over-running an established kingdom and living an easier life. A pipe-dream, naturally, but such gangs can wreak havoc in their attempt. More Options The Steppe Bandits is a Foe deck that interacts significantly...
From publisher description: Heroic Co-operative Deck-Building! What better location to defend than a muddy mess of a riverbank near a strategically-important bridge? After all, without the inconvenience of stout walls, gates and so forth, you can see all of the enemy arrows on their way to you. Unless, for some reason, you think that might be a bad...
From publisher description: Heroic Co-operative Deck-Building! Runestriking is an ancient and powerful magical technique, passed down from dwarf to dwarf. It's most powerful working are jealously guarded, and some secrets have been lost to the ages when no-one worthy was found to learn them. Tsula is known as one of the most powerful living runestrikers...
From publisher description: Heroic Co-operative Deck-Building! This recently-repopulated fortress in the deepest bowels of dwarf territory has formidable defences - but facing equally formidable armies are the stock-in-trade of heroes in Bulwark! With guards, secret tunnels and levers that pour hot lava into the ranks of the enemy, there are are lot of...
From publisher description: Heroic Co-operative Deck-Building! What slithers in the lightless crevices far underground? These things do, these mockeries of life, these horrors. Fight them as they slip into inhabited territory, fading in and out of sight like smoke and shadows. Feel your very mind assaulted by their presence, even if no blade or magic...
From publisher description: Go It Alone You don't need friends to cause mayhem on the battlefield. If you like taking a lone Bulwark Hero into battle, then this pack has you covered. It includes three replacement card types for existing decks (Zsuzsa and Sandor from the base set plus the Tower of Secret Lore from Travails of the Arcane) that work better...
This double pack contains two decks - a new hero deck and a new foe deck. Nevtelen Lucksmith is a gambler. That doesn't just mean he puts wagers money, he also puts his life on the line on matters of chance. For years he's been scratching that thrill-seeking itch doing a little good as he goes, and the prospect of wlaking away from a confrontation with an...
Contains one Hero deck for Bulwark. Harsfa isn't exactly mute, but you would be forgiven for thinking so considering how seldom she speaks. She has elevated being a bodyguard to an art form, being able to lead a terrified client through a hail of arrows unscathed and skewer two goblins with one thrust of her trusty spear. If you bring her into battle...
A new foe deck for Bulwark. Contains the following cards: 1x cover 5x Neonate Cultist 5x Fanatical Cultist 5x Imp 5x Lizard Blood Priest 3x Ravenous Horror 1x Incubus Demon 1x Succubus Demon 1x Eurynomos, Demon of Putrefaction 1x Malphas, Demon Puppet Master 1x Valac, Demon of Treasures 1x Valac's Mount 1x Mephistopheles, Demon Corruptor 1x Circle of...
A new foe deck for Bulwark. Contains the following cards: 1x cover 5x Beastling Rabble 5x Beastling Troop 2x Beastling Master 2x Great Arrano 2x Great Otsoa 2x Dracoraptor 2x Tusked Basurde 3x Punji Sticks 2x Beastling Druid 1x Lechies, Demon of the Wood 1x Alazne Lehoia, Beastling Queen of Lughnasadh 1x Sendoa Hartza, Beastling King of Imbolc 1x Itxaro...
A new foe deck for Bulwark. Contains the following cards: 1x cover 5x Troll Whelp Troop 5x Human Troop 5x Beastling Skirmisher 5x Brainwashed Blood Drinker 3x Troll Heavy 2x Manual Mangonel 1x Bethari Elf Eater, Troll Berserker 1x Agung Two Teeth, Troll Vandal 1x Setiawan Double Knock, Troll Enforcer 1x Metali Paired Axe, Troll Gladiator 1x Ratu Four Cry...
From the publisher's blurb: This product provides 6 extra wound cards you can use together with Extra Wounds from Blood-Soaked Plains and the wounds from the base set. With these extra wounds, you can make a 30-card wound deck consisting of 2 copies of each type of wound. With two copies of this product, you can make two such decks. Useful for just that...
Az alábbi játékok a hasonlítanak leginkább a(z) Bulwark: Harsfa the Silent társasjátékhoz