Az Alestone egy nagyon könnyen tanulható társasjáték, 2 - 4 játékos részére, az átlagos játékidő rövid, csak 15 - 30 perc. A társast, a könnyebb tanulhatósága ellenére, csak 13 éves kortól ajánljuk kipróbálni. A játékmenet erősen épít a rács mozgás mechanizmusra.
A strategy board game of thinking and drinking. This game plays on an old world tavern theme where you try to capture an opponents glass of ale using a set of stone game pieces....
A strategy board game of thinking and drinking. This game plays on an old world tavern theme where you try to capture an opponents glass of ale using a set of stone game pieces. The players can utilize augments such as the sword, shield, horse, and war ram in order to gain an advantage.
On your turn you may move any two stones up to a number of spaces equal to that particular stones designation. The Fate stone's maximum movement is determined by rolling 1d6 at the start of each of the players turn. Once two stones have been moved, play moves clockwise among the players.
On their turn a player can attack an opponents stone, sending it back across the board to it's starting position within it's stockade. However, this causes the attacking stone to become knocked prone and vulnerable to being pinned by an opponent moving on top. The pinned stoned cannot move until the start of a turn where it is not longer pinned.
Using augments such as the horse or the shield gives you a bonus to movement or defending against attacks, receptively. Use of the war ram and sword give offensive bonuses.
The game ends once a players moves three of his five stones into the stockade of an opponent, effectively capturing his glass of ale and winning the game.
The game incorporates optional rules for playing with your favorite beverage.
Rács mozgás
Már ketten is játszható! Remek kikapcsolódás lehet pároknak is!
Rövid játékidő! Ha csak gyors játékra vágysz a munka után, akkor ez a neked való!
Jelenleg egyik üzletben sem kapható a játék! Állíts be egy árufigyelést, hogy értesülj, amikor újra kapható lesz a boltokban!
Az alábbi játékok a hasonlítanak leginkább a(z) Alestone társasjátékhoz