Ezúttal milliónyi univerzum sorsa múlik rajtatok. Csakis együtt menthetitek meg mindet. A valóság szövetének finom szálai foszladoznak, miközben a multiverzum leggonoszabb...
1 felhasználó árulja, 9 000 Ft-tól
Kapcsoljátok be a biztonsági öveket, mert rázós út következik! Hűséges, profi pilótáink már bizonyítottak! Letudnak szállni az utasszállítóval még a legnehezebb reptereken is...
A főgonoszok megszőtték alattomos hálójukat, és ebből csakis együtt törhettek ki! Pókembernek lenni nagy hatalom, nagy felelősség, de nagy életveszély is - ezt minden hálószövő...
The X-Men: Gold Team expansion brings another iconic X-Men team, featuring classic Heroes that will each bring their own twist to the game. It also features a Villain that will...
The Guardians of the Galaxy have made a name for themselves traveling the stars, fighting for the helpless, righting wrongs, and occasionally wronging a few rights. But, by and...
Marvel United: Return of the Sinister Six features villains Doctor Octopus, Electro, Kraven the Hunter, Mysterio, Sandman, and Vulture, and this expansion offers a gameplay...
Despite their technological supremacy and widespread prosperity, the kingdom of Wakanda finds itself embroiled in a struggle as old as time itself: a battle for the throne. Erik...
The Realm Eternal stands as a bastion of justice throughout the cosmos. Only Loki, the God of Mischief, dares threaten Asgard’s peace in his obsession with usurping the throne....
The X-Men: Blue Team expansion would be awesome enough if it only added to the game this beloved team of X-Men, each with their own unique abilities, and fighting against a...
This Kickstarter Exclusive Optional Buy brings Marvel’s First Family to Marvel United! Join the fantastic Dr. Richards, Sue, Johnny, and Ben, with the cosmic aid of the...
Phoenix Five is a Kickstarter Exclusive expansion that brings a momentous saga to Marvel United. The mysterious Phoenix Force has taken over 5 powerful heroes, turning them into...
Crossing over from the Negative Zone came the Annihilation Wave, a vast army commanded by Annihilus, bent on conquering the positive matter universe. Trying to hold off the...