Continuo is a small tile placement game. After the initial setup of four tiles, players take turns adding tiles onto the edges of previously laid tiles, scoring points for...
Another card game in the Crazy Eights vein. Each card has one of four colors, one of four numbers and one of four symbols on it. Players get a hand of 7 cards and 2 cards are...
Néha 1-et dobsz... ...néha pedig 20-at és tombolsz! A Dungeons & Dragons szerepjátékokban a kocka irányíthatja a sorsodat, de a The Great Dalmuti-ban a hangsúly azon van, hogy...
Műanyag, kisdobozos változata a Quixo Classic-nak. Kettő illetve négy fővel játszható.
2 felhasználó árulja, 3 900 Ft-tól
Each player or team has a number of magnetic wheels with letters on them. Players rotate, exchange, or trade their letter-wheels in an attempt to form the greatest number of...