Activity Code Word is played in teams, with each team needing to guess a secret code word decided on by the team sitting on their right. For each successfully described word, they are allowed to ask a letter in their code word. The team who first guesses their code word wins. The words that have to be described are printed on 110 cards, with six words per...
This is a party game from Piatnik. There are several phrases players have to find out. One player has to act or to describe and the other ones have to find out what that should be. There are several editions and expansions for this real famous game. The difference in this edition is the additional "connection" part. Each team has to find out not one but...
Anniversary edition of Activity celebrating the 175 years of Piatnik. A combination of the best ideas of different editions of Activity with many new terms, new and non-traditional tasks and containing also some rules changes and special gold cards with famous sayings and phrases. Teams move on the board, draw cards and using pantomime, drawing etc....
Az Acitivity-t is elérte a digitális kor! Az új feladványokat tartalmazó Activity Countdown egy szédületes verseny az idővel! Homokóra helyett digitális órát kapunk! Az előadó felhúzza a legfelső kártyát és elindítja az időmérőt. Az óra elindul és visszaszámolja a rendelkezésre álló időt. Amikor egy csapat megfejti a feladványt, akkor a játékosok...
As in the other games of the Activity family, the aim of the game is to guess as many words as possible in order to reach the finish line on the board first. The game is played in teams, and the words from the cards have to be described in one of three ways: drawing, pantomime, or describing the word in other words. Differences to Activity: The active...
A game in the "Activity" family of party games. Players have to act out, describe or draw words or phrases specified on a card, and the others have to guess the term. If the player's own team guesses the term, they get to move forward on the board. First team to reach the finish line wins the game. This is an edition for children, and it stars "Franz...
This is a party game from Piatnik played in teams with at least 2 players each. The teams draw cards and have to explain up to three phrases. A phrase could be something as "sparkling water melons" which most of the time cannot be found in a dictionary whereas the pair of first two words and the last pair could. This is specifically the case in languages...