The first issue of what became an annual production, a collection of 12 ASL scenarios designed for tournament play. Originally intended for the Florida ASL tournament, issues now premier at the ASLOK tournament. Expands: Advanced Squad Leader Contents: Designer Notes 12 scenarios SP1 - SP12 SP1 - Raiders at Regi Regi, New Georgia, 29 June 1943 SP2 -...
From the introduction : The Avalon Hill Game company's Classic ASL is devoted to the presentation of authoritative articles and tested scenarios for the Advanced Squad Leader game system, wargaming's premier tactical simulation. Classic ASL is a collection of articles, variants, analysis and scenarios for Avalon Hills Advanced Squad Leader game. The first...
8 hand-crafted scenarios packed by the Paddington Bears ASL club of Sydney, Australia. The scenarios are: 'A Civil War, Not A Gentleman's War' - Spain, July 1937 Soft Noodle - China, Aug 1937 Marked for Death - France, June 1940 Under Siege - Russia, Feb 1942 Bloody Ridge - Guadalcanal, Sept 1942 Easy Meat - Tunisia, Jan 1943 Pandemonium - Burma, March...
Fifth issue of "The Independent Journal of the ASL Hobby" From the table of contents: Toasting Marshmallows by Charles Markuss & Shaun Carter Holding the Line by Robert Modarelli Scenario Design by Steven C. Swann Yad Mordechai by Steve Parillo Scenarios: CH51 The Sonnenburg Hotel - British paratroopers try to defend a hotel from a mixed force of SS with a...
Originally published as ASL News Pack 1, Euro Pack I contains 8 scenarios that expand the Advanced Squad Leader Rule Book system. These scenarios originally were published in the European ASL newsletter, "ASL News." This was the first of several scenario packs that reprinted ASL News scenarios. In these packs, the scenarios were grouped into themes (in...
Euro-Pack II: The Battle of the Bulge is a set of eight scenarios designed for the ASL (Advanced Squad Leader) system. Set includes Euro-Pack scenarios #62, 12, 52, 54, 53, 45, 10 and 20. Scenario directions are done in the standard ASL style, printed on heavy cardstock in black, gray (German) and green (American). Critical Hit describes this set as...
"Gembloux: The Feint is from Critical Hit and depicts the Battle for the Gembloux Gap between 11-15 May 1940 through eight chronological scenarios and a Platoon Leader campaign game representing the fight for Jandrain on 13 May. GTF also includes an historical booklet and a custom map overlay depicting a typical Belgian village during the period. The...
OAF Pack 1 A collection of scenarios reprinted from the On All Fronts newsletter with all errata applied. A second OAF Pack was never printed. These scenarios span the European and Pacific Theatre as well as one scenario from the Korean War. One unusual feature of these scenarios is that rather than usual counter listing they employ TO & E Trees as well as...
A collection of 12 ASL scenarios designed for tournament play. Originally intended for the Florida ASL tournament, issues now premier at the ASLOK tournament. Expands: Advanced Squad Leader Contents: Designer notes and articles (20 pages) 12 scenarios SP13 - SP24 SP13 - Stopped Cold Reuler, Luxemburg, 17 December 1944 SP14 - The Green House Barrigada...
10 Advanced Squad Leader tournament-style scenarios from the Paddington Bears. Scenarios are: Raiders of the Chaco - Nanawa, Paraguay - Sept 1932 Morire in Belleza - Dibra, Yugoslavia - April 1941 Panzerkriel - Luchki, Russia - July 1943 Gurkhas and Grants - Ningthoukhong, India - April 1944 First and Inches - Uttweiler, Germany - March 1945 Steamrollers -...