Trixx is an educational word card game that challenges players to expand their vocabulary while engaging in competitive play. Designed for 2-6 players (or teams of up to 12), the game revolves around creating words from letter cards to score points. The longer and more complex the word, the higher the score. The game incorporates a board with special bonus...
Summon iconic characters from Azur Lane, Touhou Project, and hololive as powerful sailors to collect the most Vtuber Points (VP) in this quick, portable deckbuilding game. Play sailors from your hand to gain VP in order to purchase more powerful sailors from the market and improve your deck. The game ends at the end of the round when a player reaches 20 or...
The Tu'x Rebellion and is based on an entirely new IP. It is a cooperative/competitive Medieval Fantasy Strategy Game of my creation. In the base game two to four players take on the roles of Noble Houses fighting for the King, gaining favor by winning battles and proving themselves worthy administrators in the midst of a Civil War. Players work together...
"I have for my enemy a nation of twelve million souls, enraged beyond measure. All that was done here on the second of May was odious. No, Sire. You are mistaken. Your glory will sink in Spain." -Joseph Bonaparte to his brother Napoleon. "Twelve Million Souls" is a strategic game about the so-called Spanish War of Independence, "Peninsular War", "Guerre...
Welcome to Pairadice City, where the ground is overflowing with treasure ready to be found. You're racing to be the first to uncovers as many treasures as possible all while avoiding any perils and dealing with the antics of your fellow miners! Will you sell treasures you've found to fund future expeditions and stall your race to the finish? Or will you...
Set in the chaotic city of Orcwood you play the part of a prominent family. Grow your wealth and power by arranging marriages with the other families. The only problem is that this is a fantasy land; Witches, Goblins, Gelatinous Cubes, Vampires, Ogres and many more crazy creatures. Only the best matches will secure your victory, so who will you choose?...
As large stockyards are established in midwestern and western cites, meat packers respond by building slaughterhouses in these locations, expanding their enormous business empires. In Union Stockyards: Westward Expansion, you will expand westward, developing your strategy by using each city’s unique ability. Your workers can visit the Exchange Building to...
An absorbing business strategy game with an IT theme... Each player receives a set of four business areas with randomly drawn starting user-groups. Now you have just 18 moves to get the very best IT into your company and earn the most business value. Gain influence by extending your user-group size. Use your influence wisely to stay out of debt and...
In this one to two player game you construct a city with cards, complete with roads, bike paths and subways. Once your city is constructed you equip your driver by spending points you earned building your city, then race around delivering food. In the solo game with a definite win lose condition. You need to deliver a certain number of orders in the number...
Urto. A competitive dungeon crawler for 2-5 players. Players will explore a cave to find items and treasures, fight against against creatures and other players but always keeping an eye on other players because when the first one will go out of the cave, there will not be a lot of time to escape too. Urto will finally judge between the players that succeed...
In Vi algo nas sombras ("I Saw Something in the Shadows"), a group of explorers searched for an ancient catacomb that legend promised would be full of treasure but suddenly the floor opens and everyone fell. The good news is that they found the mythic catacombs and that there really is the treasure! Now, bad news... There is no exit in sight, and everyone...