A mix of Activity and Tick Tock Boom! The Activity cards are labeled on the back with numbers from 3-5, this gives the number of fields that you pull with the right answer on. The terms of the front are marked with symbols for drawing the type of representation, mime or explain in words. The Tick Tock Boom cards show combinations of letters that must be...
Az Acitivity-t is elérte a digitális kor! Az új feladványokat tartalmazó Activity Countdown egy szédületes verseny az idővel! Homokóra helyett digitális órát kapunk! Az előadó felhúzza a legfelső kártyát és elindítja az időmérőt. Az óra elindul és visszaszámolja a rendelkezésre álló időt. Amikor egy csapat megfejti a feladványt, akkor a játékosok...
This is a party game from Piatnik played in teams with at least 2 players each. The teams draw cards and have to explain up to three phrases. A phrase could be something as "sparkling water melons" which most of the time cannot be found in a dictionary whereas the pair of first two words and the last pair could. This is specifically the case in languages...
– “Emma, there’s been a breach in the starboard aft hatch. Something has entered the ship.” – “Can you see what it is?” – “I cannot, sorry. Whatever it is, it is draining the energy in this sector and expanding quickly. Emma, I think the ship is in danger…” An alien lifeform has broken into the ship and intends to turn it into its lair. Of course, the crew...
Exclusive mini expansion for backers of the game during the Kickstarter campaign. This expansion includes 2 new anomalies for ADELE and 4 new objects (2 copies of each) to make your game a little more different. The new anomalies: Simply add these new tiles to the ones already in the game; just keep in mind they are not suitable for game modes where ADELE...
Get ready for laughing afternoons where your family and friends will take on the most ridiculous identities and try to describe, interpret or draw them so that others can guess. Players form groups. A player starts by choosing an easy or difficult card. He then draws a card from each different deck available, A, B and C showing it only to his teammate....
How to explain what a PARAGLIDER is? How to imitate the sound of a TRUMPET? How to mimic an Indian? With this game you will be able to explore your expressive capacity 100% Players must draw cards where a picture is shown and get their partners to guess it. To do this, he must make sounds, mimic or explain what he sees, as indicated on the card taken out....
After the success of Adivina Adivinador... We released a new, pocket-sized version! Adding dynamics for adults and children. Players must act, imitate sounds and be very creative with their explanations to earn points. GREAT GAME FOR GROUPS AND MEETINGS! How to explain that the phone is busy? How to imitate the sound of a spring? How to mime the full moon?...