Die Hard: The Nakatomi Heist Board Game uses one-versus-many, asymmetric gameplay to pit protagonist John McClane against others acting as thieves who are co-operating to foil the hero's plan, which is to save the hostages in the iconic Nakatomi Plaza high-rise. Movie buffs and hobby game enthusiasts will appreciate the game's distinct homage to the 1988...
Millennium Blades: Collusion is a final expansion and a storage solution to wrap up the Millennium Blades epic, with more than four hundred new cards, six characters, team mode, and more! New features include NPCS, team play, new characters, new sets, and a storage solution for it all! Collusion is not a standalone game and requires the original Millennium...
Alone is a sci-fi survival horror / dungeon crawler game that will pit a single, stranded hero against 1-3 evil masterminds who will do their best to stop the hero from completing a quest to discover the truth and save his companions. The Evil players always have the full map of the scenario in front of them, hidden behind a huge screen. They manage all...
Alone társasjáték 35000 Ft-tól! - 1 felhasználó árulja ezt a játékot!
Az új Flick'Em Up! most a Dead of Winter világába kalaúzol minket. Most a zombikat kell lövöldöznünk, hogy életben maradjunk.Angol:Flick 'em Up!: Dead of Winter pits players against zombies in a dexterity game that has you using tools in various ways to take out the undead while they in turn shamble somewhat...
Flick 'em Up!: Dead of Winter társasjáték 22000 Ft-tól! - 1 felhasználó árulja ezt a játékot!
The Deluxe edition is a compilation of the base game and Tiny Epic Zombies: Kickstarter Deluxe Promo Pack. GENERAL INFO: 1-5 players, 30 minutes, 5 play modes including competitive and cooperative play. Cooperative team-play with game controlled Zombies. Cooperative team-play with Zombies controlled by a non-team player. Competitive free-for-all with game...
The Edge: Dawnfall is a dynamic, miniature and card battle game with elements of territory control (gathering crystals) as well as campaign play. Each player controls unique units with special abilities that can be enchanted with special spell or progress cards. Players win the game in solo or co-op mode by completing plot conditions of the scenario, or in...
The Edge: Dawnfall társasjáték 79990 Ft-tól! - 3 felhasználó árulja ezt a játékot!
Minden, amit megszerettünk a klasszikus Axis & Allies játékokban megtalálható ebben a verzióban is, annyi változással, hogy zombik vannak mindenhol! Amellett, hogy le kell győzni ellenfelünket, konstans problémát fognak okozni a zombik szüntelen hordája, ahogy bekebelezik szépen lassan a világot. Óvatosan kell kiegyensúlyozni erőinket, hogy a frontvonalak...
For generations, the fertile Hiddenlands were shared by the peoples of the Five Realms. The Elves, Mages, Dwarves, Halflings and Humans lived peacefully with each other, though they increasingly engaged in fierce competition for the prosperity and glory of their respective nations. And so it was that when the divisiveness threatened to break the...
You are deep in a dark, ancient forest with only your lantern to guide you. Tall, looming trees cast shadows all around. Off in the distance you hear a faint rustling sound and your heart begins to race. Could the legend be true? Will you finally discover the creatures who hide in the forest shadows? Shadows in the Forest is a thrilling, immersive play...
Megérkeztetek az új idősíkba. Még nem tudjátok, hogy miért vagytok itt, de érzitek, lesz valami baj a közeljövőben. Vajon kit kell ma megmentenetek és vajon lesz rá elég lehetőségetek? Tragikus próbálgatás A Tragedy Looper egy nyomozós, blöffölős játék, melyben a játékosoknak egy bűnügyet kell felgöngyölíteniük és megakadályozniuk, ám van egy nagy csavar....
Trollfjord is the family strategy game where a solid wooden hammer meets a solid wooden tower! However, before that can happen you must populate the map with your trolls and strategically position them around the legendary rocky forts of the mountain ghost.. You strike the tower with the hammer, trying to knock out some rubble of different colours in order...