“The year is 2023 and the world is buzzing with excitement as a groundbreaking new project is announced. A leading corporation in space exploration has unveiled its plans to build a lunar complex unlike any other. The name of this project is LUNARIS 45, and its goal is to create a fully operational lunar colony that will be run entirely by artificial...
Magic: The Gathering - The Precursors is a cooperative board game and card variant of the classic, competitive card game that has players work together in an epic campaign that can span several gaming sessions. It utilizes a slightly altered Commander (EDH) format of MTG. Similar to Dungeons & Dragons, a Dungeon Master — or a Game Master (GM), in this case...
In Mars Attacks: The Dice Game, the Martian players compete to see who can subjugate which U.S. cities first. At the start of the game, four stacks of cards are dealt out randomly, with each stack having as many cards as players. On a turn, the player first declares which city he wants to attack, then rolls all ten dice. Any dice showing the "nuke" symbol...
Unleash your inner warrior and master the art of combat in Martial Clash, a thrilling 2-player board game that combines strategy, skill, and heart-pounding action. Players choose their martial artist character, each with unique stats and techniques, and engage in a fast-paced battle to be the first to claim 2 win tokens. Experience intense...
Your mission, Martians, is to swoop down on the pathetic denizens of the primitive planet Earth and scoop up as many of the inhabitants as you can manage. We are interested in samples of the Chicken, Cow, and Human populations so that we can determine which of them is actually in charge. The Earthlings might manage to put up a feeble defense, but surely...
Across the Great Void, mankind has colonized planets like islands dotting a vast jet-black ocean. Vital to the Solarline Syndicate are the spacefaring ships that transport passengers, cargo and cattle. But as everyone knows - any ship is only as good as it's crew! In Mega Mini Space Cowboys, players assemble a motley crew of misfits that find a new family...
Merchants of Qultah is a dice manipulation game for 2-4 players, where you roll dice to negotiate with extraterrestrial merchants, activate unique actions, chain them to combos and outbid your opponents to eventually win by acquiring the goods with the highest total value by the end of the game. In the not too distant future scientists discovered a new...
A Yahtzee like game where there are 5 hollow, transparent, six-sided dice. Within each is another smaller die. You get three rolls and get to keep any number of dice on each roll, just like Yahtzee. You then score based on 13 categories. Categories are Ones, Twos, Threes, Fours, Fives, Sixes, Odds, Evens, Lo In/Hi Out, Hi In/Lo Out, Lucky 7-11, One Away...
Originally on the 9-card nanogame contest of 2022, this is a Solo game where the player need to solve investigations, allocating dice in the Investigation Slots and manipulating them using Items, to get Clues and closing the portals. It's a free PnP game, that can be played using only 9 cards a few other components. After the content, 3 more cards were...
Historical fiction game placed in "age of sails". As a captain of small sail ship you enter uncharted waters, when "natural" and "unnatural" situations are completely mixed. - Board of the game shows map of archipelago with the sea routes,players will use to move their ship between the islands. On top of it large weather panel is located, with the Beaufort...
Monsterdicer is a fast-paced dice game with a surprisingly strategic approach. Choose the dice and catch your own monsters or prevent the opponent from reaching the goal. The aim of the game is to catch all your own monsters numbered 1 to 9. To do this, the appropriate dice must be selected in turn. Once a die has been selected it can no longer be used by...