This game is inspired by the fascinating story of renowned writer Hernán Casciari and his incredible journey towards creativity and connection with words. After eight years without writing, Hernán Casciari accepted the challenge of writing short stories in two hours on the radio program “Perros de la Calle”, without knowing the story until the listeners...
"The party trivia game where you can outsmart the smartie pants with the stupidest answers and win the game." The judge reads a question from a card, and all other players write down two answers - their best guess at the "real answer" and then their funniest "stupid answer". A correct real answer gets 1 point, but the funniest "stupid answer" (as decided...
Rackarunge is a simple game, to the point where the rules are impossible to misunderstand: Each round a player puts down a yellow card and the other players fill in their best pink cards. The one who put down the yellow card decide which the funniest combination. First to ten points wins the game and earns the title of being a real "Rackarunge". This is a...
The Gamefound Exclusive Edition of Master Dater! You want it all and you can have it. Includes all Master Dater unlocks (like the Uncut expansion). The NSFW expansion (in its packaging), added cards, love letter, stickers, pins and other, upcoming, unlocks will come packaged inside the Big Love box. CONTENTS Rule sheet 95 Head Cards 95 Body Cards 217...
A creative party game for making hilariously terrible sentences. Players respond to outlandish situations like "Tell someone you've clogged their toilet at a party" with just their limited pool of word magnets, leaving even master wordsmiths no choice but to create awesomely horrendous phrases. With hundreds of word magnets included, every round is always...
In a mysterious coffee shop, customers are asking for the song they want to hear now. Let's become "Meisters" who work in coffee shops, select the right songs that customers want, and play them! 120 songs from 120 artists can be selected as cards by Record Meister! The selection genres range from pop music that everyone knows to rock, classic, jazz...