Similar to Jungle, the forerunner of Stratego. Each player has 13 animals, with strengths ranging from 1 to 13. The players move their animals orthogonally one space per turn and compare strengths between animals when one moves into an occupied space. The higher strength wins and captures the other animal, except in the case of the mouse (strength 1) which...
It's like Street Fighter meets Pokémon! Animus is a small, two-player card game inspired by fighting video games and turn-based monster combat RPGs. The game has players drafting a team of 9 unique characters from a spanning multiverse to compete while leading their team with one of 6 Entity cards. Every game will have a completely new roster! Story:...
Microgame #14 in the Metagaming Microgames series. This is actually 2 games in one: One world is the game of godly conflict for those who've dreamed secretly of divine power. Each player is a god who must contend with a pretentious challenger. Your "children" wage the struggle in their aspects of Blade, Stone, and Fog. Over the Singing Grasses, Runelines...
Tricksters is a fast paced card game for 1-4 players (or up to eight with two copies) held in a mystical world populated by cute crazy creatures, the Annukuhs, created by dark and light energy. In the game, players must seek and absorb only light or only dark energy. If a player would gain the other type of energy, they get farther from winning; but any...
From the designer, Matt Arnold: Antigrams is a 5-minute 2-player print-and-play abstract strategy game, involving simultaneous tile placement, subtitled "Rock Paper Scissors Tiles". Equipment is a stack of 48 identical square tiles, each divided diagonally into a light-color triangle and a dark-color triangle, presumed in these instructions to be white and...
Aquaman is a one-vs-many card game featuring the prominent characters of the Aquaman 2018 movie. Each turn, the villain player must lay a given number of cards face down in a row and the heroes players must lay the same number of cards so that each individual hero card faces a villain card. Cards are then revealed one by one, and damage is dealt according...
This is a party game based on Rock, Paper, Scissors. Players roll a die to move on the board and read a question from four categories depending on which color they landed. For each question, all players must secretly pick one of three categories corresponding to Rock, Paper or Scissors and answer the question. The player who rolled the die must then pick...
Arena Gladiators is an expandable card game where players pit their gladiators against each other in the arena. The first player to gain 5 victory points (from winning arena matches) wins the game. Gladiator cards come in two varieties: standard and named. The standard gladiators represent authentic gladiator types: hoplomachus, murmillo, retiarius...
In The Ares Project, 2-4 players are competing to see which of their factions will lead mankind into the future. Each faction has its own deck of cards, buildings, upgrades, attacks, special powers, and a screen behind which a player will play cards. Your opponents do not know what you are building. When a player lays down an attack card, he chooses an...
All players are ASSASSINS! Use Assassinate, Track, and Hide cards, To survive the psychological battle of killing and killing! This game is an analog game in which everyone becomes an assassin and plays against other players. You can win by assassinating other player three times, but you must also think that they will assassinate you. Use the Assassinate...
Assemblage of Eternity brings the competitive feel of fighting games to the traditional gaming arena, and much like its digital counterpart AOE is designed for 2-4 players in either 1v1, 2v2, Scramble, or Tag modes. After selecting their favorite combatant, each player attempts to reduce his opponent's life to zero before going to time. The game is, at its...