After having a future sight and still aiming for justice to reign around the world, Bruce Wayne made official the creation of a new international organization founded by Wayne Enterprises: Batman Incorporated. This super-heroes network, chosen by the Dark Knight himself, wages a battle against crime all over the world, shares information and provides help...
The League of Assassins is a thematic expansion for BATMAN™: GOTHAM CITY CHRONICLES that offers players a chance to play a 3-mission campaign, in which the heroes try to thwart Ra’s Al Ghul and his league’s plans to wipe out Gotham City. Ra’s Al Ghul is among Batman’s most dangerous and formidable foes. Backed by an international eco-terrorist...
In this new expansion, players will control members of Task Force X aka the Suicide Squad, as they navigate an exciting 3 mission Adventure Mode mini-campaign. When a dirty job needs doing—one that requires unsavory methods and ethics that stretch the definition of legal—the government unshackles the Suicide Squad. Scruples shall not stay the hands of...
This map-focused expansion for BATMAN™: GOTHAM CITY CHRONICLES offers a new double-sided game board representing two unique and iconic locations. Wage viscous battles amid the reeking waters of the Gotham City Sewers, and defend justice at the GCPD Police Headquarters. In the accompanying booklet you will find 10 new missions for Versus mode for use with...
Good versus evil. Light versus darkness. Heroes versus villains. Opposition is the core of the Batman universe. Sometimes villains turn to heroes and heroes to villains, blurring the lines, but the dichotomy is always there. To represent this opposition, we developed a whole new mode which pits one player against another, each of them controlling their...
The city’s Heroes set out in search of those working in the shadows, venturing deep into a burning Gotham City. Heroes from this expansion (and from the Core Game) will hit the streets in search of whoever is incinerating criminal organizations for their own personal gain. However, the enigma will remain unsolved as several miniatures will be placed in...
“Narrow Chronicles,” episode 2, spanning 4 adventures, will allow the players on the Heroes’ side to temporarily don the Supervillains’ costumes. This time, the city’s criminals will take on each other in adventures under the reign of Poison Ivy, with each adventure offering the chance to rally their opponents to the cause! A New Eden is a chance to use...
Free print & play game In this highly tactical game, situated in the Napoleonic era, you must crush the opponent army by making them rout. Choose how to compose your brigades (infantry, cavalry & artillery) and set-up them up on a modular board. Choose which units to activate and move them in position to attack the enemy. Optimize the use of terrain...
Battle Babies is a comically themed deck-building card game for 2-4 players. In this baby packed strategy game, you use ration cards to recruit and expand your infantry army. Craft the perfect baby army and lead them to victory. Throughout the game, each player will be expanding their army by recruiting cute (and sometimes less than cute) babies and...
“A competitive collectable battle game where Bosses summon their minions and powerful effects to become the baddest Boss in the multi-verse.” Battle Bosses has you controlling a gigantic Boss, utilizing dice to gain Energy and Crystal resources to unleash devastating moves, spawn Minions to send to battle, and play innovative cards to gain tactical...
Retro toy robots compete in a strategic card and dice game. With your group of friends, you have discovered in your attic a game box that particularly intrigues you. It seems to have been stored there for many years. Gathered around the box covered in accumulated dust, you open it and discover with wonder that it is the famous Battle Botz whose production...
Has been published in 3 editions thus far. Aldo Ghiozzi helmed the second edition. W. Jason Peck joined the design team for 3rd edition. Description for the 2nd edition: Battle Cattle: Second Edition Expansion in a world of swords and sorcery. Gather all the cud available as your Angus Wizard prepares to fire a Magic Moo-ssile! Have your Corriente Pailadin...