Includes ASL Scenarios from The Tampa ASL Group (2017). Action in Belgium, France & The Netherlands. RP 131: Boot's Scoot and Boogie RP 132: Probe Toward The Hague RP 133: The Recapture of Ockenburg RP 134: Von Sponeck's Woods RP 135: The Outpost Line RP 136: La Riposte Vaine RP 137: Chateau Gandelu RP 138: The Chivres Shivaree RP 139: Mauled at Merdorp RP...
Description from the publisher: In 1990 Avalon Hill released the first Historical ASL (HASL) module, Red Barricades. Charlie Kibler’s groundbreaking design covered the battle for Stalingrad around the “Krasny Barrikady” (or Red Barricades) ordnance factory on two historically accurate maps. Red Barricades offered a new ASL experience, introducing the...
Special Ops #7 has eight articles, two ASL scenarios, two ASLSK scenarios, and Autumn For Barbarossa, a complete Standard Combat Series (SCS) game. Featured articles cover Baptism By Fire (BCS), Angola! (IGS), Soviet play in Case Blue (OCS), BCS design concepts, analyzing OCS with hints and examples, deciding which OCS scenarios are right for you...
Valour at Casa Berardi covers the actions around Casa Berardi by the only all French-Canadian unit, the Royal 22nd Regiment. Commonly called the Vandoos, this unit distinguished itself during World War II. Casa Berardi features a historical map and 4 scenario mini-campaign. This four-scenario pack is played on an 18 x 24, 1" hex custom map, revolving...
Winter Offensive Bonus Pack #8 features 3 new scenarios and a new Geomorphic mapboard #76, all designed by Kenn Dunn. The first two scenarios are early war (1941) in the Ukraine, and the third scenario is late war (1944) set in Aachen. Scenarios: WO21 - Bolder than Before: 7-1/2 turns, board 76, 23 June 1941, Lvov, Ukraine WO22 - The Cost Of...
This is Critical Hit's module in ASL-compatible format of the battle for the Dzerhezinsky Tractor Works in Stalingrad, covering the German assault in September and October 1942. The optional Winter Map expansion provides a winterised rendition of the map and covers the Soviet counterattacks in December 1942 and January 1943. The factory was the third of...
Berlin Final Victory HUGE MONSTER Edition: Crazy, big, massive, enlarged, and unprecedented. Those would be terms one could use to describe the Battle of Berlin. You might also want to trot them out for a description of this new edition of Berlin I, an unusual and unique gaming experience-the first truly large hex city fight. What you get is an enlarged...
Corregidor: the Rock includes the following: 21 Scenarios covering actions from 1942 (3 scenarios) and 1945 (18 scenarios) 2 Campaign Games 180 full color, die cut 1/2" counters (Infantry, SW, Control, and info) 64 full color, die cut 5/8" counters (2 AFVs, 3 Aircraft, and info) HASL map printed on two 22"x28" sheets that cover a portion of the 'head' of...
A collection of 8 scenarios for ASL designed by Peter Strujif and Chris Mazzei to celebrate 10 years of collaboration on scenarios for the Friendly Fire scenario packs. The common feature is a set of Special Rules, which provide a minimum level of Fog of War and variability in the Orders of Battle. Scenarios: DTF-1: Keren Masala, February 1940, Eritrea....
Objective Schmidt depicts the hard fought battles that occurred in early November, 1944 in the Hurtgen Forest by the U.S. 28th Infantry Division for the small towns of Schmidt/Kommerscheidt and Vossenack. Objective: Schmidt includes the following: ·17 action packed scenarios in full-color print, including a campaign game (CG) covering the battle for...
Winter Offensive Bonus Pack #9 includes four new Deluxe ASL geomorphic maps (i, j, k, l) (in the ASL Starter Kit (unmounted style) and five scenarios. Scenario List: WO24-Dew of Death, Xingzi, China, August 1938. Chinese v. Japanses; 5 1/2 Turns; Boards l & k. WO25-The Replacements, Kotovskiy, Russia, September 1942. Russians v. Italians; 5 1/2 Turns;...