Chicken Fight is a card game inspired by the classic pool game, reimagined with an actual chicken and eighteen other super-powered birds. Each bird is assigned a number that determines its pecking order (strength in a fight), allowing higher-numbered birds the ability to knock off lower-numbered ones. Every bird also possesses a unique ability, from...
Chonker Party is a lively party, trick-taking card game for 2–6 players, set in a world of chonky animals where snacks and strategy collide. Get ready to snack your way to victory by collecting sweet and salty points, using action cards to disrupt your opponents, and playing with a mix of fun and chaos. Start the Feast: Take turns playing cards from your...
Whether you love (or love to hate) cheesy holiday movies, this game packs more festive clichés than your warm little heart can handle. Add some spice to any holiday movie or show, and turn those predictable plot points into memorable merry moments one “unexpected” kiss and snow-covered sleigh bell at a time. Earn the most points by matching your cards with...
Christmas on Track is a festive roll-n-write game for 1 or more players. Lay train tracks to bring gifts from Santa's workshop to the gift wrapping station, then to the sleigh for delivery! Each turn, roll three dice and choose two to use. If you choose a red die, use a red pencil; and a green pencil for the green die. Score for the longest track with the...
A simple game for 2 to 6 players, that can be played in less than 30 minutes to play with the family on Christmas days. Choose a die and place the corresponding ornament on your tree. Try to achieve the combination that gives you the most points. Eat cookies to avoid bad luck with the dice, but not too many before you finish decorating your entire tree or...
As subject of many a tale, there were many who doubted that the magical realm of the mountain Berg exists - until its recent discovery. Step into the shoes of a chronicler, who buckles up with his trusty crew of dwarves and goats to explore this wonderland. The Chronicles of Berg are yet unwritten and it is up to you to capture the mystical mountain's many...
In CobbleCritters, you’ll duel another Tamer for control of the Cavern, a mystical space filled with powerful Crystals. In the game, you build two decks — a Critter deck and a Special deck — and you can always choose which to draw from. Critters are your monsters while Specials are a grab-bag of tricky hijinks, trinkets, and rule-warping events. You refill...
Color Climbers: Meet Purl, the white-furred cat with the colorful scarf! This curious little feline has an affinity towards the vibrant hues and shades all around her. Follow Purl through her color filled world in this lively turn-based, cat-themed game about mixing basic colors into more complex ones — to ultimately collect as many color points as...
Throw, place, turn, remove... and manage to draw the longest worm on your board to earn more points than anyone else. Colourfull is a fun game for creating polyminoes from colored dice. Each participant, from his point of view, will paint them on his blackboard. But be careful, because these actions will make them change their shape, position or...
In Common Earth you build your own nation, trying to score as many victory points as you can. At the same time you will have to take care of the planet in co-operation with other players. Cards that harm the planet are cheap, but also move the risk-meter towards the extreme to simulate the impact on planet earth. If players do not take care of the planet...