The players race around the board and answer questions from various movie categories such as Quotes, Cult Cinema, Actors, Genre and so forth. Whenever they get a question right they can mark down points on their marking sheets. However answers a specific number of questions first is the winner. The game comes in a film spool packaging and includes a...
This is a game about the Jonas Brothers singing group. The object of the game is to gather autographed pictures of the boys. Players representing fans move around a star-shaped pathway while tokens representing the Jonas kids jump across the interior spaces. Includes a colorful board, the CD tokens, cards, rules, and a storage insert. Designed for 2, 3, or...
Back of the box Guess the names of pop songs, the bands or artists who sang them and what lyrics belong where. The all new Jukebox Trivia card game is available in three versions: Novice for those who don't have a clue who Michael Jackson is, Intermediate for those who know every Madonna song ever released and Expert for those who consider themselves...
Publisher Description: Justin's got a special message for you. Be the first BACKSTAGE before your friends beat you there! Prove you got the lowdown on Justin's life and his music. Correctly answer the questions as you race through the concert hall. Justin's secret message is waiting for you backstage. Fast and fun, Justin's trivia will keep you and your...
Players are rock stars and collect gold records to win. Roll dice to spiral in the player counters from the start to end square on the board. Squares have events for players to collect or lose money or release an album, which may turn out to be a hit, a dud, or break-even. Game comes with a 45 RPM which must be played when any album is released. A random...
Karaokards is a new, fun, social card game, inspired by karaoke and based on the songs in your head. It offers two completely different ways to play, both based around playing cards that describe elements of a song. One ruleset enables a traditional card game, gathering friends around a table (and can involve drunken singing, but doesn't have to). Players...
The players divide into teams that race around the board, trying to get the team members to guess artists by singing, or if they are not able to sing, by describing the artist. The questions come from the 4 categories Rock & Roll, Pop, Country and Oldies. Some cards contain the words "Sing it!" that mean that you have to sing any of the other artists on...
In Kazoo That Tune players try to hum tunes with their kazoos for they teammates to guess. One player each round is the "kazoo artist" and gets two minutes to hum their way through as many tune cards as possible. Each card features two different pieces of music; an easier piece and a harder piece. The easiest one grants 1 point and the other 2 points....
Description on the box: A game of music for kids! Packed with action! You won't be able to stay seated on your chair! Do you like music and can you sing along all Kinderen voor Kinderen songs? Then this is your chance: Earn five stars, win the game an upload your picture to! The square you land on, determines your question or...