Between 1500 and 600 BC, Asia Minor and the Mediterranean witnessed the rise and fall of several mighty empires. Often the birth of one empire precipitated the death of another. How could a small people like the Judeans establish an empire when located between such giants as Egypt and Assyria? Why did some Empires endure for centuries while others lasted...
Chase is a creative strategy game played on a chess board where players restrict the movement of their opponent in order to trap them and win the game. They must be careful, however, not to trap themselves in the process. The objective of Chase is to jump, block, and taunt your opponent, and collect fees, so that their pawn(s) no longer have freedom of...
Chess Dungeon is chess-without-limits, created by Thomas P. W. James. Two or more people may play. Chess Dungeon applies the orthodox game language of Chess to an emergent playing space. It has no "board" as such - the playing area and the pieces that may be played are determined by custom, collectable playing cards. Each card may serve as either tiles of...
Chess Territorial is a game designed as one of the chess variants. It can be played with a regular chess set, but unlike orthodox chess, there is no piece-movement nor capturing, and the goal is to occupy more territory than the opponent. No advanced chess skills are required to play, you only need to know the types of chess pieces. RULES IN BRIEF The game...
Chicago 1920 is an immersive game about the American prohibition era in Chicago where criminal gangs ruled they city and were competing to be the most powerful organization in town. Chicago 1920 is a medium weight euro-game with high interaction rate among players, low aleatory, and a variable phase turn. During a turn, players will take up to 6 different...
In Chiefdom, players play as Chieftains trying to build up their initially empty Chiefdoms so that they score as many points as possible. They do this by choosing what icon to draw and how to draw those icons on their Chiefdom plan according to the dice rolled on each turn. On a turn, one player rolls the 3 dice into the middle of the play area. It doesn’t...
This small expansion for China was available for free at the ABACUSSPIELE booth during Essen 2005. It is now freely available for download from Michael Schacht's website (see the Links section below). With this expansion, bonus chips (in three colors) are randomly placed on house spaces at non-intersection points -- two per region. Players placing houses...
This expansion to China allows the game to be played by two players. It adds a third, neutral, player (the Emperor) which players alternate playing pieces of onto the board. Five new influence cards indicate for which player the Emperor's pieces score. Additionally, each player has three special action cards which allow them to break certain rules when...
This is a free print-and-play map that allows to play a variant of the game China. The map adds two new features: • Border towns, which allow a player to place a house into a space that counts as belonging to both adjacent regions. • Port Towns, which act as an additional region that will be scored at the end of the game with the same house-scoring rules...
China - The Embassies is an expansion for China that adds another scoring option to the game. On their turn, when players have the option of placing two pieces, players may place an embassy along with a house which will score points at the end of the game. The Embassies are distributed through the BGG store and are unlike many other small expansions for...
The Chosen Path is a abstract tile laying game in which players "race" to finish their path, as well as strategically laying the "best" path tiles. There are levels of interactions between players, in which you can effect the other players path, while risking your own. The twist is that you can choose your paths to be Light or Dark, giving your path...